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Q: How did the viet cong insurgency affect American policy toward Vietnam?
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How did the vietcong insurgency affect american policy toward vietnam?

The vietcong strikes convinced President Kennedy to send American military advisers to South Vietnam

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The United States became less likely to send troops to foreign conflicts.

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The United States became less likely to send troops to foreign conflicts.

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I dont know sorry

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As best as could be had; without going nuclear.

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American military involvement in Vietnam can be explained as an extension of which policy?

The Truman Doctrine

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The truman doctrine

What US foreign policy issue was a motivation for American intervention in Vietnam?

The fact that Vietnam was being taken over by a dictator was one of the foreign policy issues that motivated American intervention in Vietnam. At first, the Americans were just there to teach the people of South Vietnam to defend themselves through the establishment of an army. There was also the Containment Policy, which was the United States' foreign policy to prevent more countries from "acquiring the disease of Communism".

Did the Vietnam war protests affect the U.S. governments policy?

It was effective but it took a long time.

What was the American policy toward the end of the Vietnam War?

The Vietcong strikes convinced President Kennedy to send American military advisers to South Vietnam. nova net

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