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Q: How did the warren court bring about vast social change?
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Earl Warren

In the movie separate but equal why was it so important that the supreme court vote unanimously?

In the move Separate but Equal it was very important that the Supreme Court vote was unanimous to support the change to society. The decision was going to bring about social change and the decision need to come from a united front.

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The Supreme Court.

Why does Mary Warren come to the court?

Because she is an Official of the court

What was a result of President Eisenhower's appointment of Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

Warren led the Court to many decisions that supported liberal principles.

What was a result of president eisenhowers appointment of earl warren as chief justice of the supremem court?

Warren led the Court to many decisions that supported liberal principles.

Which Supreme Court justice decided against school segregation in brown v. board of education?

The supreme court justice was Earl Warren.

What did Chief Justice Earl Warren head?

Earl Warren was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) from 1953 to 1969. The so-called Warren Court is considered by many scholars to be the most activist Supreme Court in history.