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Q: How did the witch of endor tell the truth about king sauls death and his sons?
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Where was the witch's home in the Bible?


In which book do you find the witch of endor?

the chronicals of Narnia and thw witch of endor. You can also find it in many of the books written by Micheal Scott. From the series of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

Who helped King Saul talk to the shade of Samuel?

The Witch of Endor

Who is the most powerful necromancer?

The Witch of Endor, also known as The Medium of Endor, is the most famous biblical Necromancer. As of who is the most powerful, I do not know.

Why did Saul visit the witch of Endor?

In the biblical story, Samuel had died and God was no longer helping Saul. The Philistines were attacking and Saul needed advice. He promised the witch of Endor that he would not persecute her if she helped him contact Samuel on the other side.

Who is the only witch mentioned in the Bible?

The witch at Endor is the only witch actually mentioned in the Bible. There are other references to witches but she is the only one mentioned specifically.

Where king saul consulted a witch?

If you know where in the bible Samuel the prophet died, (I am certain it was in 1 Samuel, but maybe it was 2 Samuel) shortly after, Saul asked a witch to call him up from the dead.

Does a witch have to tell the truth when asked if she's a witch?

Yes, a witch does have to say she is a witch when asked. This is according to folklore, which says witches must be honest when asked about their real identities or practices.

Where is the biblical witch's home?

In the Hebrew Bible, the home of a witch is known as Endor. Saul disguised himself to go to meet with the witch. The location was behind enemy lines, and Saul needed to keep his identity private, and hidden from the Philistines.

How do you turn a person into a frog in super Scribblenauts?

first spawn a witch and then death. let death kill the witch. delete death. then pick up the wand the witch dropped and spawn any small animal. press on the animal and shoot

Who was the last woman to have dinner with king Saul?

The last woman who had dinner with King Saul was probably the Medium/Witch of Endor. She was with him the night before he died and convinced him to eat some food with her. (See 1 Samuel 28)

What would be the punishment if you lied about being a witch to save your life in the Salem witch trials?