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"The covenant of Moses (Exodus 19)" would be more germane, since it is the Torah of Moses which contains the commands.

Nonetheless, Abraham instituted ethical monotheism and lived accordingly, and the Israelites continued his traditions.

To address your Question:

Hebrew society (the society in ancient Israel) was based upon the covenant with God, as set forth in the Torah. There was always a learned class among the Israelites, and virtually all men and boys (and a good percentage of women) could read and write. A portion of each day was spent praying; and a larger part of the day was spent studying Torah (by a good part of the populace). Religious questions (and torts) were brought to one of the many Rabbis or Jewish courts. (See also: Social classes among the Israelites.)
Having a large family was an ideal, as was welcoming guests into the home, giving charity, and many other forms of kindness. A portion of crops was given to the poor. The calendar year was replete with the Sabbaths and festivals; and blessings were said before and after eating and on many other occasions.
In brief, there was no such thing as a secular part of life, since the Torah's laws cover every form of activity, including business. (See: some examples of the Torah's laws)

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Q: How did their belief in the covenant of Abraham affect how the Israelites lived their lives?
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How does Jewish belief in the covenant of Abraham affect the Israelites?

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