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Q: How did theocracy effect salem views towards witchcraft?
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What is theocracy and how would it affect the view of Salem residents towards witchcraft?

how wouldnt it affect the view of salem residents toward witchcraft?

What is a theocracy and how would it affect the view of Salem residents toward witchcraft?

how wouldnt it affect the view of salem residents toward witchcraft?

How did theocracy affect the view of Salem residents?

Anyone that went against witchcraft or had suspician would be going "against" God. People wouldnt adematicly think you were siding with the devil.

Where did the Salem Witchcraft Trail take place?

The Salem Witchcraft Trials (plural) took place in Salem, Massachusetts, in what is now, the USA.

How was the Salem witchcraft stopped?

There never was witchcraft in Salem. It was all superstition that lead to the killings of innocent people.

What kind of government does Salem have in The Crucible?

They were a Theocracy. In other words they lived ruled by the church.

Where did the Salem witchcraft trials take place?

Salem,MA in the 1600s

What were the people of Salem village afraid of?

The people of Salem were afraid of witchcraft.

Why did the Salem settlement need a theocracy?

The Puritans in Salem believed in a theocratic government where civil and religious authorities were closely intertwined to ensure obedience to God's laws. They saw it as a way to enforce moral standards and root out any potential threats to their religious beliefs or practices. Theocracy was viewed as essential for maintaining social order and safeguarding the community from perceived spiritual dangers.

Why did Salem settlement needed a theocracy?

To maintain their unity.

Was there witchcraft in Barbados?

Tituba, the slave who was accused of witchcraft in Salem Massachussettes, was from Barbados.

How has witchcraft changed now from how it was practiced during the Salem Witch Trials?

This questions stems from an assumption that there was actual witchcraft during the Salem panic. No witchcraft was practiced in Salem in the seventeenth century. It is very difficult for something that didn't exist to change.