

How did they use hot air balloons in the civil war?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How did they use hot air balloons in the civil war?
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How were hot air balloons used by the military?

The first use of hot air balloons was in the American Civil War for surveillance of troop movements.

Did the north and south use hot air balloons during the Civil War?

the civil war of which country?

Which gas do you use for hot air balloons?

Hot air balloons typically use propane gas as a fuel source for the burner that heats the air inside the balloon envelope. The propane is burned to heat the air, which causes the balloon to rise.

How do hot air balloons use air to fly?

Hot air balloons use the fact that hot air rises as a way to make balloons fly. When the air inside the balloon is heated, it rises, and this creates lift which is used to make the balloon fly.

Why do hot air balloons use hydrogen?

Hot air balloons typically use helium, not hydrogen, because helium is a safer and more stable gas than hydrogen. Helium is non-flammable, while hydrogen is highly flammable, making it a more risky option for use in hot air balloons.

What fuel do hot air balloons use?

Hot air balloons use propane gas as fuel to heat the air inside the envelope, which causes the balloon to rise. The propane burner provides the necessary heat to keep the air inside the balloon hotter than the air outside.

What vehicles did they use in the US Civil War?

Horses, trains, boats, ships, submarines, hot air balloons, carts, wagons.

Do they use fire with hot air balloons?


Why do hot-air balloons use fire?


What 2 things that use hot air to rise?

Hot air balloons and thermal air currents are two things that use hot air to rise. The heating of the air makes it less dense, causing it to become buoyant and lift objects or create upward movement.

Do hot air balloons use instrumentation?

yes they use altimeters and gps's

Why is hot air better than helium in hot air balloons?

Hot air balloons use hot air. They have a burner to heat the air. Hydrogen balloons were too dangerous because hydrogen is highly flammable, even static electricity could cause an explosion. Helium is safer because helium is not flammable.