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West African coastal cities were used by the West African States to sell captured African slaves to the Ships calling to take them to America. They grew very rich and prosperous on this trade.

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Watson Dooley

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Q: How did trade help cities and states develope in west Africa?
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How did the gold and salt trade influence the development if cities and states in west Africa?

They affected the development of cities and states in west africa

How did the gold and salt trade influence the development in cities and states in west Africa?

They affected the development of cities and states in west Africa

How did the location in West Africa along trade routes affect the develope of cities?

People built their cities near the trade routes to have an easier trading system. It prevented people from walking very far to get to the trade route.

How did trade help African cities and states develope?

um idk u have to figure it out cant just be lazy

How did trade help cities and states develops in Africa?

West African coastal cities were used by the West African States to sell captured African slaves to the Ships calling to take them to America. They grew very rich and prosperous on this trade.

How did trade help cities and states develop?

Trade helped cities and states because they would trade stuff they had with stuff they didn't

What influence did religion and trade have on the develope of east Africa?

Trade helped the development of East Africa with wealth and power. Religious groups developed East Africa by settling colonies.

How did cities grow in west Africa.?

Gtfoh Idfk

How and why did the trade networks initially develope in west Africa?

Because batman Take showers with small Asian people that create migits and black people

What were three cities that were important to trade in West Africa?

Gao, Timbuktu, and Jenne

Who did the port cities did east Africa trade with?

China India and Southwest Asia

What is a trade carried between cities states or countries?

foriegn exchange or foriegn trade