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He interpreted it as the hour he would die.

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Q: How did victor interpret the creatures threat remember i shall be with you on your wedding night?
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Answer: no Answer: As far as I remember, there are some creatures that pose a certain danger to Harry and his friends: there is Nagini, and there is a dragon. Of course, the most evil monsters, that pose the greatest threat to them, are other wizards and witches: Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix, and others.

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Only the indigenous Australians would have hunted the Tasmanian devil for eating. These creatures were hunted by farmers and settlers prior to the mid 20th century, as they were believed (erroneously) to be a threat to livestock.

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Is a hidden threat that is foreseen to happen or a secrete threat.

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What is a sentence using the word threat?

The robber made a threat to harm the store clerk if she didn't give him the money from the register.

What the threat posed by the Sirens?

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Will turtles take over the world?

No, turtles do not have the capacity to take over the world. They are not a dominant species in terms of intelligence or physical capabilities. Turtles are generally peaceful creatures that pose no threat to world domination.