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Q: How did war affect government power?
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After the war did the power of the federal government greatly increased?

After the war, the power of the federal government did greatly increase.

What did the civil war do in relation to the power of the federal government?

The Civil War increased the power of the Federal government.

How did the Vietnam war affect the Australian government?

The Australian government experienced anti-war demonstrations.

What government agency has power to declare war?

The power to declare war is a power that belongs to Congress.

Which government remained in power after the world war 2 which lost power?

The nazi government was taken from power

Did public opinion affect the United States government's war strategy during the cold war?

Reducing the purchasing power of Americans . Setting crop prices Suspending competitive bidding

The power of the national government to declare war is most likely what specific power?

The power of the national government to declare war is an example of an expressed power. Another example is the power to levy taxes.

The power of the national government to declare war is what specific power?

Expressed Power

Where does the power of government come?

the power of a government comes from its citizens willingness to maintain its power by going to war or paying it taxes

Which government remained in power after the war?


What power does the national government has but not the state?

The national government can:raise armiesdeclare warprint currencyregulate international trade and interstate commercemake treatiespardon criminals convicted of crimes against the federal government (Nixon and Watergate)In other words, the national government has the power to affect the nation as a whole (like declaring war) whereas the state government can affect individuals' daily lives more heavily (state budget cuts, provide for public health).

A Constitutional power specifically delegated to the federal is the power to?

One Constitutional power specifically delegated to the federal government is the power to declare war.