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Q: How did westward expansion or manifest destiny mess up the course of peoples lifes?
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What peoples were hurt in the process of manifest destiny?

The expansion of the US westward dislocated Native American peoples that occupied many areas west of the 13 original British colonies on the east coast of North America. To a lessor extent this happened in what is now Canada and Mexico as well. The so-called manifest destiny narrative makes for interesting reading but is not the explanation for the western movement of Europeans in the eastern colonial areas westward. For example, Canadians moved from what is now Quebec to the western coast of Canada. There was no manifest destiny that accelerated that movement. The same is true for the movement westward by the US.

How were the concepts of manifest destiny and social Darwinism used to justify conditions in the 1800s?

Manifest destiny and social Darwinism were used to justify horrible actions toward minority peoples during the 1800s. Manifest destiny was the idea that the US should expand westward, and was used to steal Native American lands. Social Darwinism was the idea that the lighter skinned people were, the better they were. It was used to justify institutional racism.

How did manifest destiny effect peoples lives in the US?

People decided to settle west to the Pacific Ocean and south to Mexico.

Why was the concept of manifest destiny such as appealing one to Americans in the 1840s?

It was the “destiny” of the United States to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific and, some believed, we would also benefit the economy of the nation if we expanded south into Mexico and north into Canada. Americans in the mid 1800s came to believe that they had an obligation to increase the domain over which their democracy and liberty would benefit all. Economically, Manifest Destiny was favored by industrialists, businessmen, and the developing transportation industry. We would acquire the needed raw materials and also provide products to sell to the peoples in the areas we controlled. Politicians favored Manifest Destiny because it would expand our system of government into areas that were corrupt or incompetent. Most of the public supported Manifest Destiny because it brought a feeling of pride in our nation, a patriotic and nationalistic duty to help others.

Was manifest destiny a good or bad thing?

The justification of Imperialist Expansion under the term 'Manifest Destiny' was by no means unique to the American Settlers. The Colonialisation process resulted in large scale extermination and suppression of indigenous peoples as well as exploitation and theft of land and resources. Many European countries were guilty of the same thing by another name. Forced movement of peoples, slavery, and what by today's standards can not be tolerated, is to be condemned, yet continues today in other guises. The past can not be undone. Blaming people for being 'Wrong' is futile. What can be done is to learn the lessons of history, and never to repeat them. America and other former Colonisers need to face their past squarely and deal with it in an honest and just way regardless of vested interests. Open repentance for harm done, and meaningful reparations for those who continue to suffer the consequences is the only way. Until this unfinished business is dealt with, anger, resentment, non-integration and retribution will continue to smoulder at some level or other, whether it be in open protest or sullen insolence. For the USA this especially means the indigenous Indian Tribes, and post slavery Blacks. A good start would to be to make History a mandatory subject in Schools, and to teach it as it really should be taught: the 'unwhitewashed' Truth, the lessons to be learned from it, and how to manage the future better.

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What peoples were hurt in the process of manifest destiny?

The expansion of the US westward dislocated Native American peoples that occupied many areas west of the 13 original British colonies on the east coast of North America. To a lessor extent this happened in what is now Canada and Mexico as well. The so-called manifest destiny narrative makes for interesting reading but is not the explanation for the western movement of Europeans in the eastern colonial areas westward. For example, Canadians moved from what is now Quebec to the western coast of Canada. There was no manifest destiny that accelerated that movement. The same is true for the movement westward by the US.

How were the concepts of manifest destiny and social Darwinism used to justify conditions in the 1800s?

Manifest destiny and social Darwinism were used to justify horrible actions toward minority peoples during the 1800s. Manifest destiny was the idea that the US should expand westward, and was used to steal Native American lands. Social Darwinism was the idea that the lighter skinned people were, the better they were. It was used to justify institutional racism.

How did westward expansion affect the lives of all the peoples living in the US and the territories?

Expansion Westward made possible in part by the construction of the first transcontinental railroad that stretched from coast to coast transformed the United States business and life.

Use the primary sources attached to answer the following question: Was Manifest Destiny Justified?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was the United States' destiny and duty to expand its control and influence from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The primary sources attached to this question provide different perspectives on whether Manifest Destiny was justified. The first primary source, a speech given by John L. O'Sullivan in 1845, is in support of Manifest Destiny. O’Sullivan argues that the United States has a right and a duty to expand its control and influence, as the country was founded on the principles of freedom and democracy. He states that it is the United States' "manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." The second primary source, a speech given by Chief Seattle in 1854, is in opposition to Manifest Destiny. Chief Seattle argues that Manifest Destiny is an imperialistic endeavor that will bring destruction and death to the Indigenous peoples of North America. He states that the "White Man” will take their land and resources, and that their culture will be destroyed in the process. It is difficult to determine whether Manifest Destiny was justified, as it depends on the individual's perspective. Some may argue that Manifest Destiny was justified, as it allowed the country to expand its influence and spread democracy throughout the continent. Others may argue that Manifest Destiny was not justified, as it brought destruction and death to Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

How did manifest destiny effect peoples lives in the US?

People decided to settle west to the Pacific Ocean and south to Mexico.

Why was the concept of manifest destiny such as appealing one to Americans in the 1840s?

It was the “destiny” of the United States to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific and, some believed, we would also benefit the economy of the nation if we expanded south into Mexico and north into Canada. Americans in the mid 1800s came to believe that they had an obligation to increase the domain over which their democracy and liberty would benefit all. Economically, Manifest Destiny was favored by industrialists, businessmen, and the developing transportation industry. We would acquire the needed raw materials and also provide products to sell to the peoples in the areas we controlled. Politicians favored Manifest Destiny because it would expand our system of government into areas that were corrupt or incompetent. Most of the public supported Manifest Destiny because it brought a feeling of pride in our nation, a patriotic and nationalistic duty to help others.

Why did Henry David Thoreau oppose Manifest Destiny?

Henry David Thoreau opposed Manifest Destiny because he believed it promoted American expansionism and imperialism at the expense of indigenous peoples and the environment. He also criticized the government for its role in supporting this expansionist policy and believed it went against principles of individual conscience and morality.

What are the intended beneficial consequenses of peoples actions?

manifest functions

What is one of the causes of the rome decline?

The westward movement of peoples from Asia brought new peoples within the borders of the empire - Goths, Vandals and Huns, who overran it and took it over.

How did manifest destiny set the stage for America imperialism at the end of the 19th century?

Yes, without a doubt it did set the stage for a new Manifest Destiny that expanded American control beyond our natural borders. It became apparent to "jingos" like Teddy Roosevelt that in order to provide new markets for our industrial products and in a better effort to provide for the defense of the nation, we would need coaling stations for our navy and commercial shipping. That could only be achieved through Imperialism. Also, Social Darwinism was a belief particular to the age. Many felt that it was their Christian duty to civilize the savage peoples and use the natural resources of the lands to their best advantage.

How did the manifest destiny alter peoples lives in the US?

The idea that it was the manifest (or clear and obvious) destiny of the United States to encompass all land between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans encouraged people to move west and settle lands held by Native Americans. It encouraged military acquisitions of land such as resulted from the Mexican War, and direct land purchase. It was also used to advocate for annexation of part or all of Mexico and for intervention in the Cuban Insurrection. Beginning in 1830, Native Americans were forced to give up their land east of the Mississippi River.

How did manifest destiny alter peoples live in the US?

The idea that it was the manifest (or clear and obvious) destiny of the United States to encompass all land between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans encouraged people to move west and settle lands held by Native Americans. It encouraged military acquisitions of land such as resulted from the Mexican War, and direct land purchase. It was also used to advocate for annexation of part or all of Mexico and for intervention in the Cuban Insurrection. Beginning in 1830, Native Americans were forced to give up their land east of the Mississippi River.