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There was a secret way to get to the north and there were several different paths to go on. Most of the beginning slaves would be mett by Harriet Tubman and she would either lead them herself, or tell them where they could run to. The first stop usually was an abolitionist house in disguise. The people who would take care of, hide, and feed the slaves would have a lantern in their window to show them that they were friends. So overall, the white Northeners sheltered, hid, fed, and pointed them to the next stop so they could make it to the north, or Canada, to freedom.

Also, note that without these white abolitionist (mostly the Quakers), there would not have been an Underground Railroad. There were many other "conductors" on this railroad, but Mrs. Tubman is the most popular.

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Q: What are some of the ways that abolitionists helped runaways on the Underground Railroad?
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What are some ways abolitionists helped runaways on the underground railroad?

They helped by providing food, water, and shelter to slaves until they reached Canada and their freedom.

What are some ways that abolitionists helped runaways on the undergorund Railroad?

They hid them and then sent them to the next spot.

What are some ways that abolitionists helped runaways on the underground railroad?

They helped by providing food, water, and shelter to slaves until they reached Canada and their freedom.

What was the name of an informational network of abolitionists that helped fugitive slaves?

The Underground Railroad .

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The Underground Railroad

Abolitionists helped runway on the underground railroad?

Yes, they used a system of safe-houses to help them escape into Canada.

What were people called if they helped the slaves escape?

People who helped slaves escape were often referred to as conductors or stationmasters on the Underground Railroad.

What some ways that abolitionists helped runaway on the Underground Railroad?

They helped by providing food, water, and shelter to slaves until they reached Canada and their freedom.

What was the name of the system that helped runaway slaves?

The Underground Railroad was the name of the system that helped runaway slaves escape to freedom in the northern states and Canada. It was a network of routes and safe houses operated by abolitionists and sympathetic individuals.

Does the abolitionists live in the south or north?

Yes, they helped organize the Southern routes for the Underground Railroad and secretly helped slaves escape to freedom in the North.

Who helped runaway slaves escape on the under ground railroad?

Harriet Tubman is one of the most famous leaders of the Underground Railroad. Many other abolitionists (people against slavery) helped, as well.