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Washing clothes and bed linen was done by hand, or by a lever-operated washing machine. Richer households had live-in maids to do this hard work. Most of the clothing was starched, which made it stiff to wear. A wooden washing machine tub with paddles moved by pumping the tall lever, to agitate the washing.

Clothes and linen were squeezed through a wringer with an adjustment screw to vary the space between the rollers and thus the squeeze power. This removed much of the water. Washing was hung on lines with big wooden pegs.Ironing was a complicated job. This picture shows how to "keep a few irons in the fire". A wood stove was lit and several irons placed on it to heat up. Each iron could be used for about 30 seconds before it got too cold, then it would be replaced by another iron, and so on.

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Q: How did women do cleaning in the 1900s?
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