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Q: How did world war 1 contribute to Europe and economic weakness leading up to the Great Depression?
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How did world war 1 contribute to Europe's economic weakness leading up to the Great Depression?

Answer this question… The scale of the destruction left much of Europe's infrastructure in need of rebuilding.

How did World War 1 contribute to Europe's economic weaknesses leading to the great depression?

Answer this question… The scale of the destruction left much of Europe's infrastructure in need of rebuilding.

How did world war 1 contribute to Europe's economic weaknesses leading up the Great Depression?

Answer this question… The scale of the destruction left much of Europe's infrastructure in need of rebuilding.

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How can europes economic weakness leading up to the great depression be traced to world war 1?

Answer this question…Returning soldiers spread Spanish flu, killing millions, and leaving others unable to work.

How can Europe's economic weakness leading up to the great depression be traced to world war 1?

Answer this question…Returning soldiers spread Spanish flu, killing millions, and leaving others unable to work.

How did America's financial relationships with Europe contribute to the Depression?

Hoover was eager wanted to protect -some American companies from the economic distress, the government created a new tariff (The Smoot-Hawley T arm), This tarjff chaJged higher taxes to import products. This tariff made the economic situation even more dramatic because resulted in less trade between United States and other countries in Europe leading to a global economic collapse. The Hawley~Smoot Tariff act made Europe fall into a deeper economic depression] and resulted in European countries deva'luating their own currencIes in order to sell their products,

What was the leading economic sector in 1849?

In 1849 the largest leading economic sector was Agriculture with 59%

Was the great depression really depressing?

For most people, it was. But the term "depression" describes an economic condition, not an emotional one. Any "depression" is a strong decrease in the amount of economic activity in a country or region, leading to lower production, lower employment, and lower capital investment. On a chart of such activity, the "depressed" part of the cycle is the deeply-lower "V" shaped area, where the economy dipped and then rebounded.

How did the great depression change Germany politically?

The Great Depression had a significant impact on Germany politically. The economic crisis fueled widespread discontent and desperation among the German people, leading to a rise in support for extremist political parties such as the Nazi Party. This ultimately allowed Adolf Hitler to exploit the situation and gain power, leading to the establishment of a totalitarian regime and ultimately World War II.

Why did the great crash move the us economy into a long depression?

The great crash was just one of the reasons that the US economy went into a long depression. The banks failing, and the decrease in purchasing power also had a part in leading the US into the long depression. The reason for this was that each economic issues fed into the next and there was no way to rebound.