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i have a daughter who is a sociopath. she was raised in a very , giving, loving home.ittook me a long time to accept this. i always said it was because she was around bad people. in reality it was her who was the bad person. everything she told me was a lie.all of the people she knew ended up coming to me and telling their horrible stories about her.she is a manipulaive liar with no feelings or remrse. she fits all of robert hares criteria of she is trying to take my son with special needs money to the public trustee. she has written horrible letters about me with her sociopathic grandmother.they have found a common element in theirselves-that being sociopathy.they are beyond took me years to come to terms with this.her games and lies and without concience.

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Q: How did you end up with a sociopath?
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How does a sociopath end a relationship?

usually quite badly.

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How do you love a sociapath?

1 reason you would love a sociopath is because if you just broke up or your sad. you will try to love a sociopath because your desperate

Can a sociopath be extremely patient?

Absolutely, the end always justifies the means and if the means is patience then so be it.

What are some words end with the suffix path?

Psychopath. Sociopath. Footpath. Telepath. Bypath. Allopath.

Is a sociopath responsible to look after children?

No. A sociopath is not able to be responsible enough to look after children, especially very young ones.Being flighty and easily distracted, as well as short-tempered, impatient, and unable to empathize with others, an untreated sociopath is highly likely to end up neglecting and/or abusing kids. Many parents who are sociopaths end up with their kids taken away and put into the foster-care system.In the case where one parent is a sociopath and the other one isn't, the healthy parent can conceivably protect the child from the other, but if there is abuse going on, the healthy parent must leave with the child, unless some other means of proper supervision is set up, and this is relatively rare.The best thing would be to remove the child from the household.

What can make a sociopath feel guilty after you end your relationship with him?

Absolutely nothing. Their brains are not capable of guilt or remorse.

What to do stepson is eleven possible sociopath and also have 3 little ones don't know what to do husband doesn't see it what to do?

You can't diagnose a eleven year old as a sociopath. Proffessionals agree that a sociopath can only be diagnosed accuretly as a adult. Once more many CEOs and leaders are sociopath, so your child might grow up to be great.

What is a sentence with the word sociopath?

The sociopath lacked empathy and manipulated others for personal gain.

How do you live with a sociopath?

You don't. Get as far away from a sociopath as you possibly can.

Your 20-year-old son is a sociopath now what?

Now you should watch out for any times that he tried to abuse you, and try to prevent it from happening again. Sociopaths do not like open shows of emotion so do not try to make him feel loved. He will want to be cared about so that he can abuse that care, but do not leave yourself open. The hardest relationship to have is with a sociopath because it is one sided. Most people end up giving up.

How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.