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usually quite badly.

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Q: How does a sociopath end a relationship?
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Related questions

What can make a sociopath feel guilty after you end your relationship with him?

Absolutely nothing. Their brains are not capable of guilt or remorse.

How does one show love to a sociopath?

By all means be polite and civil to a sociopath, but avoid a close relationship. Sociopaths want victims and are incapable of love. They can be very destructive, and a close relationship with a sociopath is often a very damaging experience.

Can a sociopath an a bipolar be in a relationship?

No, but they can be in a mental institution. hope this answers your question goodluck!

How do you end a relationship with a sociapath?

It can be dangerous to end a relationship with a sociopath. The best way to do so may be to just go away and leave the person's life. This way you do not put yourself in danger. Leaving and going to a shelter may be the easiest and safest way for you. Once you leave, do not have any contact with the person.

What do you do when a child is involved and your in a relationship with a sociopath?

The short answer is get out, sociopathy cannot be cured. But see answer to the related question.

When a sociopath takes on another intimate relationship will he still go on lying?

Sociopathy is untreatable. They do not change.

Can a sociopath and borderline relationship last?

NEVER, unless there is HEAVY DUTY Counseling going on at the same time.

What does enslavement mean in a relationship with a person you believe to be a sociopath?

It is the place that the sociopath wants you in, they want you to rely on them, to care so much that you will do anything. To cater to their every need. They enjoy the power of being one who can control others.

What relationship is all right with adult sociopath daughter?

My advice would be to see a therapist. Sounds messed up

What characteristics are necessary in a lover for a sociopath to leave his adulterous wife?

If the sociopath thinks he can bleed more out of you than his wife, that's all it will take. Sociopaths have no interest in what you want, only in what they can get. By definition they have no conscience or respect for other people's feelings, and the condition is untreatable. The important question is, what is wrong with YOU that you desire a relationship with a sociopath?

How do you get over a Sociopath?

Charming bastards, aren't they? And they take over your life so thoroughly they make you think it's your fault if you don't like it. Get some professional counseling, and cut the sociopath out of your life. No good can come from such a relationship.

Can a sociopath be extremely patient?

Absolutely, the end always justifies the means and if the means is patience then so be it.