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If the sociopath thinks he can bleed more out of you than his wife, that's all it will take. Sociopaths have no interest in what you want, only in what they can get. By definition they have no conscience or respect for other people's feelings, and the condition is untreatable. The important question is, what is wrong with YOU that you desire a relationship with a sociopath?

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Q: What characteristics are necessary in a lover for a sociopath to leave his adulterous wife?
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What happens if you cheat on a sociopath?

A sociopath is a person who has no concept nor concern of the consequences of their actions on society in general. If you are afraid of this person, don't cheat just leave. Why would you want to put yourself in a dangerous position.

How to handle a sociopath in the workplace?

Ask for a transfer away from that person. Or leave the job, which is usually the only way to deal with it. Complaining to superiors about the problem will rarely get you anywhere, because after all, the sociopath has them wrapped around their little finger.

Can two sociopaths live together?

Yes, but both would not like it, and it would probably not last. Living with a sociopath is awful for anybody, and the main reason that people stay is because they don't want to hurt the sociopath. As a sociopath is egocentric, the sociopaths would not care about each other's feelings, and would leave each other.

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Adultery is a choice. Being gay is not. So be who you are. If they really loved you, they wouldn't care. The past is the past. Forget about it!

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Not only is it necessary, it is not advised.

Is there Help for the wife of a sociopath?

Yes, there is. First and foremost, if you are in danger emotionally or physically, leave your husband. Second, try to come to terms with that he is a sociopath. That may seem simple, but it's hard to actually make yourself believe that he is being manipulative. Talk to a psychologist if you feel that you need to talk to somebody about how you feel about your husband. There are also websites that have stories about being married to a sociopath and tips on how to get help, including Lovefraud. Talk to your friends about what has happened to you. Don't be afraid to leave him. If he is hurting you emotionally and physically, then he does not actually care about you. He may say that he does, but this is part of how sociopaths are manipulative.

Do sociopaths ever attempt suicide?

Yes. Sociopaths commit suicide. But, not for the same reason that a non sociopath would. My cousin's son has been professionally diagnosed by paid counselors, Psychologists and Psychiatrists. He committed suicide last week end. Prior to that, he was becoming progressively violent to his family and friends. His girlfriend could no longer accept his physical abuse & began to threaten to leave him. He counter threatened, if you leave me, I'll hang myself with THIS rope. Because a Sociopath has no conscience of right and wrong, they seem to be unable to control their inappropriate and abusive behavior. They also don't seem to have an ability to process or rationalize the consequence of their actions. Therefore, an act to commit suicide doesn't address the sociopath with the same finality it would for a non sociopath. The thought that a suicide and the consequences of carrying that suicide out, wouldn't occur to a sociopath. It wouldn't occur to him or even bother him if he could think about it, that this action is a final action and there are no 'do overs'. For a Sociopath, this is an act to control, hurt and destroy. It is not an act of depression but rather of rage.

Do you need to place the gear at N when stopping at traffic lights or to leave it on D?

No this is not necessary. Leave it in Drive.

Can divorcing a sociopath leave you in financial ruins?

In a word, YES. Unfortunately, financial, emotional and physical damage are an inevitable part of life with a sociopath. This destruction is the result of the long term erosion of your sense of self - something that the sociopath manipulates in order to gain "control" over you. The action is predatory in nature and leads to significant hardship on a multitude of levels. Secure a good lawyer and plan your "escape" long before you let the SP know of your intentions. Then get out, stay out and don't look back. Be prepared for the abuse to escalate in the aftermath, and get a restraining order if necessary, but do NOT give up. It is the only way towards securing good mental, physical and emotional health, as well as financial stability. Good luck.

Can you stop being a sociopath?

You can't. Sociopathy is a permanate mental disorder. Many people find that the symptoms decrease around the age of 40-50 but that is not always the case, and they never completely leave.