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A sociopath is a person who has no concept nor concern of the consequences of their actions on society in general. If you are afraid of this person, don't cheat just leave. Why would you want to put yourself in a dangerous position.

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Q: What happens if you cheat on a sociopath?
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Are sociopaths likely to cheat?

We don't care for the same reasons others would. We get mad when the other person is obvious, because it ruins our image. Our significant other is our best piece on the chess board save our proteges, so we will always protect our assets being taken from us. It's difficult to cheat on a sociopath, because we can see through you. So in short, if you are a sociopath dating another you won't have a problem. If you are a non-sociopath cheating on a sociopath it will be short lived and they will make you emotionally suffer for betraying them

What happens if you cheat in the Olympics?

If you cheat in the Olympics you are stripped of your medal.

What happens when you exposes a sociopath to them or to other in front of them?

Sociopaths are likely to respond to exposure with rage, threats, and hurtful communication.

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your can't cheat on stardoll add me on stardoll superjosh1234

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If you really love them, why would you ever cheat?

What is a sentence with the word sociopath?

The sociopath lacked empathy and manipulated others for personal gain.

What happens if you type in moshifunpark on moshi?

you get a cheat

How do you live with a sociopath?

You don't. Get as far away from a sociopath as you possibly can.

Where do you get cheats on GTASA?

u can get cheats for gta sa on cheatplanet or cheat happens and other cheat websites.

How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.

Should you marry a sociopath?

No, one should never marry a sociopath. Marriage involves trust, and a sociopath by his very nature cannot ever be trusted completely.

What happens when you cheat on Webkinz?

When you make a cheat on webkinz then your account will be banned so it's better not to just to be safe!