

How did you feel under the sun?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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feel hot

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Q: How did you feel under the sun?
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Why do you feel warm under the sun?

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if you are under a big tree then the tree covers the sun and you get cooler becuase the sun makes you hotter

Why does it feel cooler in the shadow of a big tree on a hot sunny day?

The shade created by the tree blocks direct sunlight from reaching the area, reducing the amount of solar radiation and heat absorbed by surfaces and objects in that space. This results in a cooler environment compared to areas exposed to direct sunlight.

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You feel cool under a tree because it blocks out the sunlight (the heat and the light) so the area in the shade becomes cooler.

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The term "born under a bad sign" is used by those who feel unlucky and regard their Sun sign as the cause of their misfortune.

Do you walk under the sun or in the sun?

in the sun.

What is another way of saying you can feel the sun soaked sky?

You could say that you feel the warmth of the sun.

Why do people get cancer when they are under the sun?

People get cancer when they are under the sun because the sun emits radiation.

What do you feel when you see the sun rising?

you feel awsome like you feel relaxed

When was Under Summer Sun created?

Under Summer Sun was created in 2008.

When was Everything Under the Sun created?

Everything Under the Sun was created in 1988.