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AnswerThey could not be treated at the time. Physicians were useless and were only used to diagnose the plague but nothing they tried was proven to have worked. MoreThey tried different treatments, but none worked. Some believed that good quality air, sweet smelling, if possible, could be of benefit, but of course it did not help. In fact no treatment worked for the Bubonic Plague until the mid 20th century.

When people got the plague, sometimes the people around them shunned them. Many people died alone and untended because no one would go near them and left them to die in their beds with no food or water. Some people where thrown out to die in the streets. People who were dead were collected and thrown into common graves in many places, and there were places where living people were included among those taken away, though they might have just been left in the grave yard to die.

Physicians tended people who were rich, but they were unable to do more than make as sure as possible they had food and water and were as comfortable as they could be made. Records show rich people had a somewhat higher survival rate than poor, but this might have had to do with their houses being cleaner.

In many places, monks and nuns tended the sick, either in monastic hospitals, or elsewhere. The monks and nuns died at about the same rate as everyone else, so they did not increase their likelihood of getting sick by helping sick people.

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13y ago

Unfortunately they couldn't treat the plague properly in the middle ages. They used to treat it with oil, lavender scent. They used a special suit which looked like a crow. If someone was diagnosed with the plague. They shut them in their house with the people they lived with. There was around 600 funerals a day. :(

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13y ago

they lanced (stabbed) the buboes (swollen lymph nodes) and then put a warm cloth with butter, onion, and garlic on the wound.

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