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Cohesion is a property of water molecules, in which they stick together due to the fact that they form hydrogen bonds with one another.

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Q: How doWater molecules cling together is called what?
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What are molecules of two different substances called when cling together?


What does cling together mean?

To cling is to grasp tightly.

Why hairs cling together when wet?

Hairs each stick to water/water sticks to itself, because of the electrical attraction between the charged ends of water molecules

Why is snow thick?

Snow is moist so that makes it cling together. Moist snow is great for making snowballs and forts. However, not all snow likes to cling together, if the temperature is too cold, the snow is less moist and thgus does not cling together at all very well.

Why does water stick to windows?

Water tends to cling to things because of its chemical properties. The oxygen in water carries a slightly negative charge where as the hydrogen carries slightly positive charges. Because of this, the molecules of water tend to cling together better, creating a high surface tension. It is this surface tension that helps water bead together on objects like glass.

Why do liquid droplets not fall to the ground?

They do, it is called rain. But, they start off as very, very small molecules of water. They slowly start to cling together. Often, it takes something for the water to cling onto to start the accumulation process, a tiny spec of dust for instance. Until then, the winds and their absolute lightness keeps them in the air. Once they are big enough, the wind will no longer keep them in the air and they fall to the ground.

What makes clothes cling together--or to your body--after they have been through the dryer?

Static cling. Usually caused by dry air.

What is the surface tension in a cup of water caused by?

The surface tension in a cup of water is caused by attraction. The hydrogen molecules in the water are attracted to the polar oxygen bonds.

What is the different shape between cohesion and adhesion?

Cohesion the force of attraction by which the molecules of a solid or liquid tend to remain together (clinging power of the same substance)Adhesion: intermolecular attraction between substances that are unlike and in surface contact, causing them to cling together (like glue to paper)

What is the sound of coins called?


How does cohesion help water and minerals flow?

cohesion helps water and minerals flow because... water molecules cling to each other as a result of a force called cohesion cling to molecules of other substances, too , and this force is calledadhesion. This forces water to climb up tubes of xylem tissue.

Why are clothes stuck together when they come out of the dryer?

It's caused by static cling. As the clothes tumble around together, it causes friction between the fabrics, and certain fabrics (which is usually most fabrics) have the ability to create static electricity, or static cling, that keeps clothes stuck together. (Hint: try using Bounce sheets or other dryer sheets, because they prevent static cling on clothes).