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They dont. Unless your name is Justin.

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Q: How do 12 years olds get famous?
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Related questions

What grade are 12 years olds supposed to be in?

6th or 7th grade

Are 12 year olds babies?

I think 12 years old should be called "child"

How old is 12 year olds in hours?

It depends on your birthday. But 12 years is 105,189 hours.

What should be the weight of a 12 years boy?

All the 12 year olds I know are 110-90

Can 12 year olds have a Facebook?

11 years oldI thought it was 13.

Average height of 12 year olds 100 years ago?

The average height of 12-year-olds 100 years ago was likely shorter compared to today due to factors such as nutrition, healthcare, and living conditions were not as advanced as they are now. It's important to consider the historical context and regional differences when looking at average heights.

Can 12 year olds play call of duty?

5 years play it

Is 11 A tween?

A Tween is 11-12 years old. A pre-TWEEN is 9-10 years old. Ten year olds are immature, so they are not classified as tweens. Eleven year olds are mature and so are twelve year olds.

What are job restrictions for 12 year olds?

Job restrictions for 12 year olds will vary. Most of the time, in many locations, children that are only 12 years old can't work at all. They have curfews.

Which of the following group's requires more irregular scheduling than the other three group's 12- to 18-month-olds 18- to 36-month-olds 3- to 5-years-olds School-aged children?

12- to 18-month-olds require more irregular scheduling than the other groups listed. This age group typically has inconsistent nap times, feeding schedules, and may still be adjusting to sleeping through the night. Their routines are often less predictable compared to older children who have more established patterns.

If your 12 are you a teenager?

12 year olds are not teenagers. 13 to 19 are teenage years because the word ends with 'teen'.

How old would you be if you are in year 7?

The average age is turning 13 years old that year but there are a lot of 12 year olds and a few 14 year olds. Answer 2: You start year 7 at 11 years old and turn 12 in the year.