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I am a 13 year old girl, so I know she'll look over at you often, play with her hair or try to be near you (so you'll notice her) but won't talk to you, she could watch you while playing sports or try to be on your team, however she could also be pretending to hate you and be on the opposite team. If you can suck up the courage to ask her if she likes you or tell her that you like her (but only after you get 3-4 sign a minute for at least 5 minutes straight), she would appreciate that.

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Q: How do 13 year old guys know that 13 year old girlss are flirting with them?
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Just be yourself, then get to know your into them.

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It depends. Some girls are shy around the guys they like, especially at that age. Some girls stare at the guy and then look away when he catches her. Some girls steal the guys things (jeckets, hats, backpack, etc.) Some girls "accidently" touch his hair.