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Q: How do 26 letters disappear so easily?
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What is the probability of drawing a vowel from the alphabet cards?

There are 26 letters and 5 vowels so 5/26.

How many 3 letter combinations are there in license plates?

In California, for example, the first digit of a standard plate is a number, followed by 3 letters, and then three numbers. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, so there are 26 raised to the 3rd power combinations, or 26 * 26 * 26, which is 17,576 possibilities just of the 3 letters.

What do you do when your profile has random letters on it?

The "random letters" may be HTML Code that occurs as part of a glitch. The glitch should now be fixed, so if you edit your profile again, the code should disappear.

How many permutations are there in a 3-letter code which can use the letters from A to Z inclusive?

A - Z means you can use the whole alphabet, which usually contains 26 letters. So a one-letter code would give you 26 permutations. 2 letters will give you 26 x 26 permutations. A three letter code, finally, will give you 26 x 26 x 26 , provided you don't have any restrictions given, like avoiding codes formed from 3 similar letters and such.

How many different four-letter initials are there that begin with A?

26^3. There are 26 possible letters, so that is why we multipy by 26. Because there are 4 positions, and the first is taken with "A", that only leaves 3 positions left. As there are 26 possible letters in each position, you multiply by 26 three times, or, 26 to the third power.

Would License plates in toontown consist of three letters followed by a digit from 1 to 9 and if so how many different license plates are possible?

Any three letters, in any order, including repeated letters gives 263 combinations each of which could have one of 9 digits so 26 x 26 x 26 x 9 ie 158184 different plates.

If a equals 1 and z equals 26 is ther a word worth 1000000 and if so what is it?

Probably not. The least possible number of letters that the word could have ... if every letter in it is a 'z' worth 26 ... is (1,000,000/26) = 38,461 letters. Since every letter can't be a 'z', some letters must be worth less than 26, and there must be more than 38,461 of them. If there is such a word, I don't want to know what it is.

How many combinations of 3 different letters are there in the alphabet?

One way to work this out is to imagine that you have a bag containing all 26 letters of the alphabet.Take one letter from the bag. It could be any one of the 26, so there are 26 possibilities for your first letter.Take another letter from the bag. This time there are only 25 letters in the bag (you've already taken one out, remember!). So you have 25 possibilities for the second letter.So far there are 26 x 25 (= 650) possibilities for your first two letters. (AB, BA, AC, CA, AD, DA, etc)Now take your third letter from the bag. But remember, there are now only 24 letters remaining.So, for 'from 26 chose 3', altogether you have 26 x 25 x 24 possibilities, which comes to 15,600 different combinations of three different letters.

How do you make a tree diagram to the determine the probability of a mini license plate that consist of two letters followed by one digit odd number and the letters K or Q?

This is going to be big. To simplify the idea some, start with the digit, and write Even & Odd. The even side will look exactly like the odd side. Then for the first letter, list all 26 letters. Then under each letter, list all 26 letters again. So under ODD you will have 676 letters. And the same under Even, for 1352. Looking at the odd side, you have the first tier P has 26 under it, and Q has 26 under it for 52. Then for the other 24 letters, each one has 2 'winners', so 48 more. So there are 100 winners out of 1352 total.

What is the middle letter in the alphabet?

There are 26 letters, so there is no exact "halfway". M and N are 13th and 14th, splitting the halfway point.

What are the name of animals who disappear in winter?

Bears hibernate so they basicly disappear in the winter and beavers hide in the dams they bilt so they disappear too

What is consonant and how many consonants are there in English?

a consonant is any letter that is not a vowel. so you have a,e,i,o, and u. there are 26 letters in the alphabet so 21.