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they can apply paint to the iron or steel to stop the rusting of the car

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Q: How do Car manufacturers prevent rust in their cars?
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How do car manufacturers follow to prevent their cars from rusting?

Car manufacturers probably use paint for preventig their cars against rusting . Galvanization is also one such processes.galvanizing

How do car manufacturers try to prevent car bodies from rusting?

yes Eh? what do you mean yes? Give a way. Like maybe they paint cars to keep them from rusting?

How are cars protected from rust?

by using the car wash

Why is rust dangerous on cars?

rust can dissolve the metal on ur car then ur car can fall apart and it will wreck your paint

Car manufacturers use so much plastics why?

Its cheap, its light, and it doesn't rust.

How dangerous is rust under car?

rust inder cars can be dangerous maybe the bottom will fall off! =^_^=

How do cars manufacture prevent rust in cars?

Car metals have come a long way with zinc and galvanization properties. A process before paint (called e-coat) seals the metal before primer is applied.

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There are no car manufacturers that include interlock devices on all of their vehicles. This is something you have to buy aftermarket.

Can Africa make cars?

Yes, there are many car manufacturers in Africa, especially in Egypt.

How many makes of cars are there?

Hundreds of car makes made by many dozen manufacturers.