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Q: How do ER with ribosomes look under a microscope?
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Why does rough ER look rough under the microscope?

ribosomes attached on the sides of the RER makes it look rough under the microscope .

ER without ribosomes looks what under the microscope?

With ribosomes it appears rough, but without them it appears smooth

What makes the rough endoplasmic reticulum appear rough under the microscope?

the presence of ribosomes Many small ribosomes are attached to the surfaces of the rough ER. The rough ER processes proteins made by the ribosomes.

An organelle that is rough has?

I believe you are referring to the Rough ER, or the rough endoplasmic reticulum. It has many ribosomes on it which look like little black dots under a microscope and therefore it appears rough.

What causes rough endoplasmic reticulun look rough under a miscrocope Rough er has ribosomes attached to it?

The rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) appear rough when observed under a microscope because the outer region of the RER is studded with ribosomes which form sites for protein synthesis.

What is the difference between smooth and rough er?

Rough er has ribosomes attached but smooth er does not. Rough ER is covered with ribosomes and looks "rough" through an electron microscope. Smooth ER lacks the ribosomes and appears as a smooth membrane. On the lighter side: The way it feels to the touch?

Why is the rough endoplasmic reticulum so rough?

I have to say people really are getting on my nerves with such questions. Go read your biology textbook. Do not use wiki answers for shortcut to pass your Biology exam. Answer: Rough ER is so called because it contains ribosomes the protein synthesizing machinery in the cell. Smooth ER (I know you will ask this later) is on the other hand without ribosomes attached to its membrane.

How can you tell the difference of smooth er and rough er?

Smooth ER, endoplasmic reticulum, does not have ribosomes, and Rough ER does.rough er is studded with ribosomes while smooth er is not.

What makes rough Endoplastic Reticulum look rough?

Ribosomes make Rough ER have a rough appearance. Smooth ER does not have ribosomes, and therefore has a smooth appearance.

What is found on the surface of rough er that makes it look rough?


Is the rough endoplasmic reticulum covered with ribosomes?

No, the name Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum comes from the 'rough' appearance when seen under an electron microscope. The 'rough' bits are ribosomes which stud the surface. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum has no 'rough' bits ie. no ribosomes.

What is an ER with ribosomes?

Rough ER has ribosomes on it.Thats why it is called rough.