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With ribosomes it appears rough, but without them it appears smooth

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Rough ER

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Q: ER without ribosomes looks what under the microscope?
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Why does rough ER look rough under the microscope?

ribosomes attached on the sides of the RER makes it look rough under the microscope .

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ribosomes attached on the sides of the RER makes it look rough under the microscope .

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ribosomes attached on the sides of the RER makes it look rough under the microscope .

What causes rough endoplasmic reticulum to look ''rough under a microscope?

ribosomes attached on the sides of the RER makes it look rough under the microscope .

What causes rough endoplasmic reticulum to look rough under a microscope.?

ribosomes attached on the sides of the RER makes it look rough under the microscope .

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The organelles in a cheek cell that are not visible under a light microscope are the ribosomes. These organelles are responsible for protein synthesis.

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the presence of ribosomes Many small ribosomes are attached to the surfaces of the rough ER. The rough ER processes proteins made by the ribosomes.

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