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Anything that distracts you from focusing and concentrating keeps you from learning. Facebook is a big distractor because if you're using the internet to do your homework, it's really tempting just to hop onto Facebook and check things out, which makes you do less homework, not understand what you do finish, and make lower grades.

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Q: How do Facebook takes away from possible homework?
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it takes away from freetime and you could be on a traveling team

Why do parents hate Facebook?

Not all parents do. But some parents would dislike facebook because they think facebook can be very dangerous if their kids ran into people whom they do not know that can be dangerous. Some say that kids can waste time on facebook by taking a lot of time away from their studies and homework.

How does homework keep us away from friends?

Homework does not keep you away from friends. It may keep you away from those that are not doing homework and are doing drugs or things that they should not be doing.

Does too much homework take your time to play?

All work takes away play time - that's why it's called work.

How do you get away from homework?

The best way to get away is to do it.

Why should you do homework if it only counts for ten percent and it takes more time and effort for tests and quizzes?

First, you can't afford to throw away 10% of your grade. Second, homework is designed to give you practice in doing the work that's on the test.

Is Facebook bad why?

Facebook can be a positive experience if you connect with your friends on it in a friendly way. However, it can be used negatively.It takes away from possible study/homework time.Many people post personal information that can be used for negative purposes.Some applications contain viruses.It makes people vulnerable to cyberbullying.You can get hackedMeet people you don't know (even though there is a picture but that can be fake from the internet)•Facebook is good because Facebook is a way that people communicate with others from all over the world if they have facebook. Facebook is good because• Facebook is bad because People can trace your address and who knows what they could do to you and your family.Facebook takes away necessary face-to-face communication skills. Instead of talking to someone in person, people spend all day on Facebook's many applications. They substitute real interaction with tagging people and notes and hitting 'Like' buttons. People aslo get into many fights over things that happened on facebook. You can waste aaway your time and day on it and like said already, lose people skills in person.

How do you confence your mom to let you have a facebook when you are 8?

You shouldn't.... trust me if you are 8 years old facebook is not a good website for you. Its highly addictive and takes away most of your time it gets quite boring after a while so... just don't bother (:

How do you get away of not doing your homework?

Say your dog ate it.

How do you follow tour facebook friends on Tumblr?

The point of tumblr is to get away from those on facebook.

Is Facebook really giving away?

The URL is not Facebook's. It's probably a way to get to your password maybe. So don't take the survey 'coz Facebook don't give nothing away just because of you take an easy survey. It's not Facebook, it's fake!

How old to get Facebook?

You are supposed to be at least 13 to have Facebook, but many kids get away with it now days, and Facebook doesn't really seem to care.