

How do Grace and Mr Hoo get along?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How do Grace and Mr Hoo get along?
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Westing game chapter 17 After reexamining their clues whom do Grace and Mr. Hoo think is involved in the mystery?

Grace and Mr. Hoo suspect that Sydelle Pulaski, Mr. Hoo's new secretary, is involved in the mystery after reexamining their clues in Chapter 17 of the Westing Game. They believe she may have a connection to the bomber and the inheritance puzzle.

Why was grace so sure that mr hoo wasn't the murderer in the westing game?

Grace was sure that Mr. Hoo wasn't the murderer in "The Westing Game" because she knew him well enough to trust his character and felt that his behaviors and actions did not align with those of a murderer. Additionally, Grace believed that Mr. Hoo did not have a motive to commit the crime based on her understanding of his background and personality.

Why does Mr ho laugh when Grace suggests that her husband is doing his bookkeeping in the Westing game?

Mr. Hoo laughs when Grace suggests that her husband is doing bookkeeping because he knows that Jake Wexler is not good with numbers and it is unlikely he would be keeping track of anything in that manner. It also hints at Mr. Hoo's mischievous nature and his enjoyment in seeing Grace humbled.

In The Westing Game what do Mr Hoo and Grace Wexler agree on?

Mr. Hoo and Grace Wexler agree to collaborate in solving the Westing game mystery, despite their initial differences and suspicions. They work together to uncover the clues and ultimately discover the truth behind the game.

What are the names of the characters in the westing game?

Turtle wexler,angela wexler,doctor.dt.deere,grace wexler,jake wexler,doug hoo,mr james shin hoo,madam sun lin hoo,mr westing,sydelle plaski,chris thodorkaks,thoe thodorkaks,bertha erica crow,judge ford,otis amber,mr.eastman.

Why did Crow think that Mr Hoo was a mutilator of children?

Crow believed that Mr. Hoo was a mutilator of children because of a drawing he found in Mr. Hoo's notebook that depicted a child being operated on. This led Crow to suspect that Mr. Hoo was involved in harming children.

How old is mrs hoo in the westing games?

Mr Hoo is actually 54

How did crow change Otis' mind about Mr. Hoo being the bomber?

She gets padding for her engird foot, so she tells Otis that Mr. Hoo is too dangerous and is not the bomber, ( Angela is the bomber)

What does Grace call James Shin Hoo in the book The Westing Game?

Grace calls James Shin Hoo "Uncle Smiley" in the book The Westing Game.

Why did crow believe that Mr Hoo was a mutilator of children?

Crow believed Mr. Hoo was a mutilator of children because he found incriminating evidence in Mr. Hoo's house, including children's clothes with blood stains and a knife. Additionally, Crow observed Mr. Hoo displaying suspicious behavior and acting aggressively towards him, which further heightened his suspicion.

Who were the heirs in The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin?

Turtle wexler angela wexler jake wexler grace wexler Crow Otis amber sandy mcsouthers mr hoo Doug hoo theo Theodorakis Christos Theodorakis Denton Deere sydelle Pulaski flora baumbach sun Lin hoo and judge ford

Who was the inventor in the westing game?

mr hoo