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Have your LAWYER speak for you. Be professional in dress and manner. Do NOT make eye contact with the narcissist. Be truthful. Write out everything you want them to know about him and speak NON-EMOTIONALLY about his conduct... JOURNAL & DOCUMENT so you have back up.

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Q: How do I act in court and with GAL when I am divorcing a narcissist who is out to make me look bad?
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What to do when property is involved when breaking up?

If the divorcing parties cannot agree among themselves in advance on the division of marital property the court may send them to mediation. If that is unsuccessful, the court will make the decisions for you.

Would a narcissist ex-boyfriend talk about his ex to mutual friends in a way that makes it appear he is decent and moral when in reality he is trying to just take another dig at her?

OF COURSE! Mines is doing that now. They'd do anything to make themselves look like the saint. That is classic narcissist behavior. You have to be pretty careful in knowing who your friends are and who the narcissist has gotten to. I hate to say it but in order to figure out what the narcissist is up to, you have to think like a narcissist. Of course that makes you look bad, like you ARE a narcissist (you've probably picked up some narcissist behaviors being around one anyway) so BE CAREFUL. My narcissist called this game "Ex Caliber" after King Arthur's sword. He said people who were pure and of good intentions could slip past his defenses. Translation: You better make yourself look better than the narcissist and dodge the mud he's flinging if you want to keep your friends!

Is it possible to show a narcissist up publicly?

It is possible to show up a narcissist publicly, but if you do, the narcissist is going to be very angry at you. It is not always a wise strategy to make enemies.

If a Narcissist tells you not to get in touch with them again would the narcissist actually make contact with you again?

Yes it will until he/she makes sure they can't get anything anymore from you , and than if you don't respond , and keep strong with your decision not to be in touch, they will look for replacement immediately also.

Will a narcissist that hasn't changed in 10 years since the day you met him all of a sudden change for another woman?

No a narcissist will always be a narcissist. Don't get involved, you are free now. Be thankful you have escaped the worse time in your life and can move on. the narcissist wil try to make it look and sound like he is so much better to her, because that will further his need to make you feel like you don't matter, if you did, you would have treated you well, too. in reality, he is treating her just as bad as he did you, and probably rubs you in her face, too!

How do you divorce a narcissist wife?

Hi there! My narcissistic wife is divorcing me now and it isn't nice. At first, she retained a woman attorney via recommendation from a friend of hers. Once she felt as if the female attorney wasn't "worshipping" her, she dumped her and retained a male attorney that fawned all over her and came at me with dripping fangs for blood. Depsite my attempts at trying to educate my attorney on the personality disorder we were dealing with, he chose to ignore me and fell victim to the wrath of the narcissist and her manipulated attorney. I guess the best advice I have for you is to make certain that, whatever attorney you get to represent you in the divorce, make sure they are very familiar with the tactics of a narcissist or her lawyer will eat you and your attorney for lunch. It happened to me!

Why would a narcissist make anonymous phone calls?

To check your in

Will a narcissist volunteer info out of nowhere to make you jealous?


How do you make marriage work with a narcissist?

Leave, then empty the bank.

Can relationship make you a narcissist?

not so much a narcissist but for sure you will notice in hindsight that you were beginning to act like those morons do.......a co-dependent

Why would a narcissist let her husband make fun of her and belittle her in public and all she can say is that he is only jokeing?

She wouldn't. That is not a reaction that a narcissist would have.

Can ex make you a narcissist?

You can become narcissistic afterwards, but you will not turn into a true narcissist. Stay away from him and go back to your family and hang around them for a while.