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Q: How do I best friend someone on houseparty?
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What is a true best friend?

A true best friend is someone you can trust and someone who treats you kindly and never lies to you. A best friend is someone you can depend on, someone who you can share your sad times with and your funny times with. A true best friend is someone you can tell anything to!

What is the difference between close friend and best friend?

a close friend is someone you can talk to, and do things with. A best friend is someone you can tell anything to.

What is best friend?

A best friend his someone you have known for a while and that you can trust them to keep secrets and someone you can count on if you need someone to talk to. A friend is your family so keep them close.

Should a best friend tell his best friend a secret?

Yeah, a best friend is someone that you should feel comfortable with.

What is a true best friend supposed to be like?

Someone you trust> Someone who is always by your side even when you mess up in the good and bad situations. A best friend is someone who wants to help you when you get down she or he is someone who helps you with your relationship with God!A best friend is someone!!!!!!!!!!!1

What if your best friend likes you and asked you out and you are secretly dating someone else?

well if you like your best friend then you should go out with him|her... but if you don't your best friend then you should tell him|her, that you are going out with someone already.

Does Jaden Smith have a best friend?

ummm............ everyone has someone to tell there secrets to( best friend).

What is a true friend like?

A friend is someone who knows all your faults and loves you anyway. A friend will bail you out of jail. But a best friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was great!" Haha a best friend is someone who is always there for you and you do everything together and can tell them anything and trust them!!... A friend you get on best with!! :)

When you have a problem who do you call?

your mom or your dad or your best friend or someone you can trust is what i would do your mom or your dad or your best friend or someone you can trust is what i would do

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What does it mean when a best friend does not want you to meet someone?

Is your best friend the opposite sex because if they are it sounds to me as if your friend has feelings for you.

What do you do if your best friend is using your crush?

Then i guess shes not your best friend because a best friend should not be going with someone that you like especially if you told her!!!!!!!!!!!