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Q: How do I change my computer settings from Spanish to English?
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Change language from Spanish to English on Samsung mobile?

Menu/Settings/Phone/Language/Screen Text select- Input language selectIt was a pleasure. :)

Who do you get the Nintendo DSi out of Spanish and put into English?

Go on System settings and go to number four and tap language to change it.:)

How do you change the Microsoft Office from Spanish to English?

Yes. You need to change the language settings first. You can change it to other languages including Spanish. The document can then be checked for Spanish spelling.

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on the home screen, go on settings and click languages change to are done

Google searches keep coming up in Spanish How do you fix it to be in English?

Go to Google Preferences (link below) and change your language settings.

How do you change your computer settings for Maplestory?

Go to System Settings. You can change your quality, BGM and sound settings. You can also change between windowed and fullscreen mode.

Where in your computer can you change the screen size?

Go to settings and personalize your computer.

How do you change the language from spanish to English on Skype?

change skype from spanish to back to english

How do you change the settings from Chinese to English on the MP4 player?

go to settings an go to langage and you should be able to change go to settings an go to langage and you should be able to change

How do you change your phone from spanish to English?

My voicemail changed to Spanish and it needs to be English

Can you show me how change from Chinese language to English language on my computer?

If you are using Word, simply go the Language tool on the menu bar. Once there, you can easily change the language from Chinese to English. Similarly, you can access your computer's language settings within the system folder. Once there, deselect Chinese and select English All for your computer applications, programs, text, and more.

Does the language on your computer change when you enter Spain?

No, not unless you go into your settings and change it.