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You might consult with the teachers about that.

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Q: How do I get my teachers to stop posting the homework online and have them just assign it on paper instead?
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Is there a school version of facebook?

yes its called edmodo. teachers can assign homework on it

Why don't we have less homework?

Teachers assign homework to help you understand the material - so long as there are students who are having trouble in the class, there will be homework.

Can teachers assign homework after the bell?

Yes if they had no time before. You are not allowed to leave until the teacher dismisses you.

Why must Puay Chai school have so many homework?

Teachers assign homework to help you learn the material better and make better grades

Teachers should assign homework?

Homework is to help you learn the material better by practicing. It also teaches you how to find information and how to learn new material.

What is the point of spring break homework?

Some teachers need to cover the material, and there would be one less day to cover the criteria if you didn't have homework over spring break. Other teachers assign it to keep kids busy and out of trouble.

How much time does an average 5th grade student spend on homework?

For high school students who typically have five classes with different teachers, that could mean as much as 17.5 hours each week. By comparison, the survey found middle school teachers assign about 3.2 hours of homework each week and kindergarten through fifth grade teachers assign about 2.9 hours each week

Are teachers allowed to give you homework on fcat days?

it depends on your school. some charter schools DO assign students hw, but most don't.

Why is homework called homework?

Homework is a compound word made up of the two words home and work. Homework is called this simply because it is supposed to be done at home.

Why do fifth grade teachers give ridiculous homework?

Most elementary teachers assign a reasonable level of homework based on their students' level. Sometimes, students have been "spoiled" by prior teachers not assigning enough homework. Other times, a particular student may not quite be on grade level, and may struggle with the appropriate amount of homework. On rare occasions, a teacher may mistakenly assign more than their students can handle. In this case, a group of parents should approach the teacher about unrealistic expectations. If this is unsuccessful, the parents should go to the principal.

Why do teachers assign homework if some students don't do it?

Teachers may be required by the school district to give homework. Usually it is 10 minutes per grade level.

Why should not get homework?

Some people say kids shouldn't get homework because it is time-consuming & sometimes confusing. However, teachers normally assign homework to reinforce what they learned that day, review previous material, or teach something the teacher didn't get to in class.I hope this answers your question :)