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Your doctor can do a blood test to tell you what blood type you have. Type O negative blood is the only type of blood that can be transfused to patients with other blood types. People with Type O blood are known as universal donors. Death can occur if someone is given blood that is not compatible with their blood type.

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Q: How do I know if I have blood type O Negative?
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Do you know what your blood type is?

My blood type is O negative. I have blood type that is considered a universal donor. My parents are type AB and type O, so it was not very surprising to have type O.

What will a child's blood type be if parent's blood types are O negative and O negative?

Obviously, the child's blood type would be an O negative as well.

How can two parents with blood type O negative have a child with blood type AB?

They cannot. Two parents with type O negative blood will produce offspring of type O negative.

O positive person can donate blood to b negative person?

A person who has type O blood is called a universal donor which means you can donate blood to anybody no matter what their blood type is. The only thing is a person with o Type blood can only receive O type blood and nothing else. I worked in a ER and if the patient needed a blood transfusion and we didn't know what blood type he was we always gave type O blood.

Can an o negative blood type father and o negative blood type mother have an o positive child?


What type of blood can A blood safely receive?

Type A or Type O Negative can give to positive Positive can not give to negative

What is the unversal donor blood type?

Type O negative.

What blood type is the universal doner why are they called this?

O negative is the universal donor. This means that anyone can have a transfusion of O neg, despite their blood type.

Can a man with blood type a negative have a child with a lady with blood type a positive?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

Can a woman with blood type O-positive and a man with blood type O-positive have a blood type A-positive child?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

Which blood type is the universal blood type?

Type O negative blood is a universal donor blood type. In normal circumstances, anyone can receive type O negative blood in a transfusion. When it comes to plasma donation, type AB positive is a universal donor.

Can a father who has a blood type O positive can he father a daughter who has O Negative Blood Type?

yes, the mother could o negative