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Q: How do I pull mouse grass sun bacteria coyote in a food chain order?
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What is the food chain of a mouse grass a sun bacteria and a coyote?


Food chain for grass?

The following words name things in a desert.Arrange the words to form a food chain.Then,add arrows to show how energy moves throuth the food chain.The words are mouse grass sun bacteria coyote.

What is the correct food chain for grasshopper bird grass hawk?

Theanwer is hawk to snake to mouse to grass

Can you show an example of prairie food chain?

grass < mouse < snake < hawk

What is a desert food chain?

There are many food chains and the animals are eaten by other things its life...But, here is one suggestion:Date Palm eaten by: a Jerboa eaten by: a Sand FoxThe cricket and or grasshopper eats the sagebrush, then the mouse eats the grasshopper and or cricket, then the snake eats the mouse.

Why is a field mouse never at the top or bottom of the food chain?

A field mouse is never at the bottom of a food chain because only decomposers (like worms and bugs) or plants (grass usually). A mouse is never at the top because it is not a predator. A simple food chain to help me explain would have grass or grains at the bottom and the mouse in the middle because it eats the grains/grass then the owl would be at the top because it's a predator and eats mice. You always end a food chain with a predator.

Can i introduction of food chain?

a food chain would be like this egale gets the snake gets the mouse gets the cricket gets the grass the grass reproduceses thats a food chain an example of one it can be a food chain of anything

What is it called when a hawk eats a mouse that eats grass?

You COULD be talking about a food chain,. ie, The hawk would be at the top of the food chain and the grass at the bottom. An extention to your example could be, "A Hawk eats a mouse which eats bugs which eat grass" An alternate answer could also be... "it is called Eating"

What is the effect on the coyote and the hawk if the mouse was to go extinct?

what is the effect on the coyote and the hawk if the mouse was to go extinct

Who made this food chain the grass gets eaten by the mouse the mouse gets eaten by the cat you eat the cat?

that's a pretty a pretty ****ed out food chain but agree that's pretty dumb food chain

How is a owl and grass and mouse connected in foodchain?

mouse and owl and gass are conected because an mouse eats the rass and the owl eats the mouse thas how these animals are connected ogether in a food chain!

What is a prairie chickens food chain?

grasses mostly it starts with grass then the animals