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that's a pretty a pretty ****ed out food chain but agree that's pretty dumb food chain

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Q: Who made this food chain the grass gets eaten by the mouse the mouse gets eaten by the cat you eat the cat?
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Theanwer is hawk to snake to mouse to grass

What is Chain of food?

the food chain is the way things are eaten - grass eaten by rabbit eaten by fox for example

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it is a mouse

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Think it was grass

What do the arrows in the food chain mean?

the arrows in a food chain mean "is eaten by" for example: grass----->rabbit----->fox the grass is eaten by or consumed by the rabbit. the rabbit is then consumed or eaten by the fox hope this helps

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a process of eating and eaten by is known as food chain, that is an animal eating its prey and also eaten by other animal. grass--------- grass hopper-----------frog--------snake an interconnected food chain is known as food web

What is a desert food chain?

There are many food chains and the animals are eaten by other things its life...But, here is one suggestion:Date Palm eaten by: a Jerboa eaten by: a Sand FoxThe cricket and or grasshopper eats the sagebrush, then the mouse eats the grasshopper and or cricket, then the snake eats the mouse.

How a food chain works with an eagle a mouse a flower a snake and a grasshopper?

the grasshopper eats the flower the mouse eats the grasshopper the snake eats the mouse the eagle eats the snake then the eagle dies it will fall down :) compose and this will be the food for the flower

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Can i introduction of food chain?

a food chain would be like this egale gets the snake gets the mouse gets the cricket gets the grass the grass reproduceses thats a food chain an example of one it can be a food chain of anything

What is an example of a food chain of the desert?

In a desert.. Grass are eaten up by animals