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Q: How do I sell a mobile home without the deed?
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Can a husband sell a home without wife agreement if her name is on the deed?

No, this would not be allowed.

Can you sell an older mobile home without the title?

In Canada you can.

Does the deed holder have financial rights to the home?

who has power to sell a home, deed holder or a trustee?

I own a mobile home and my grandfather is the cosigner. He is now deceased without a will or estate and I would like to sell my home. Can I sell without going to probate or re-financing?

Is he on the deed as well? Those are two separate entities. If he is just a co-signer on the loan, you can sell at any time. If he is on the deed, you have to do an "Affidavit of heirship" process. If you are the only surviving heir this is simple. You just have to find 2-3 people that knew your grandfather and know that he wished you to have his property. If there is more then one or two heirs to his estate, each one will have to sign an affidavit of heirship.

In Texas can a spouse whose name is on the deed and mortgage sell their house without the other spouse consent?

If both names are on the deed, then both signatures are required. If the spouse has signed a quit claim deed to the home, then the other does not need consent.

Does a mobile or modular home have a deed?

Generally:Homes are not transferred by deed, the real estate to which the home is attached is transferred by deed. A modular home is permanently attached to the real estate and therefore ownership would be acquired and transferred by deed.Ownership of a mobile home is evidenced by a certificate of title. Once the mobile home is purchased it can be installed on a rented lot on another person's land. When the owner wants to sell, she must sign over the title to the new owner and a new certificate of title is obtained through the DMV in most states. However, state laws vary and the laws in your state should be checked.

If a mobile home is not attached to Texas real property and I default on the mobile home what can the mortgage holder do?

Take the mobile home back and sell it.

Can a minor sell real property after the deed is in their name?

No not without an appointed Guardian

Can cosigner sell the house?

Only the owner by deed can sell the property. If two people are on the deed both must sign the new deed in order to sell the property.Only the owner by deed can sell the property. If two people are on the deed both must sign the new deed in order to sell the property.Only the owner by deed can sell the property. If two people are on the deed both must sign the new deed in order to sell the property.Only the owner by deed can sell the property. If two people are on the deed both must sign the new deed in order to sell the property.

Where do they sell mobile home parts online?

There are many places online where mobile home parts are sold. These include Mobile Home Parts Store and Complete Mobile Home Supply. Another option is eBay.

Can you sell a mobile home that is on your property?

Yes. Most mobile homes and manufactured homes carry a title just like the title to a vehicle. If the mobile home is on your property and you want to sell it, contact your state government and request a title for the mobile home. After acquiring the title in your name you are free to do with it what you want.

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