

How do I track ovulation so I can get pregnant quickly?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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11y ago

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I would go to your Doctor to find out the best answer to this question. Your Doctor will be able to tell you when you are the most fertile and when you will be able to conceive.

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Q: How do I track ovulation so I can get pregnant quickly?
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Related questions

Is there an ovulation calendar that I can use so I know the best chance of getting pregnant?

You can find a free ovulation calendar at The ovulation calendar can help you determine the best time for you to try and get pregnant based on your cycle and a couple of other factors.

If a woman got pregnant during ovulation would she still have ovulation mucus the next day?

Yes. It takes about 3 days to actually get pregnant so it doesn't stop just like that.

Can a girl get pregnant after 3 periods?

You can get pregnant after your first ovulation before you even bleed yet so by now you have ovulated 3 times so yes, you could get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant while on your period and why?

No you cannot get pregnant. During the period, there is no ovulation uccurring that means there is no egg cell to be fertilized by sperm cell. The next ovulation occurs around in the next 5 days or so.

Do girls need there period to get pregnant?

No, girls don't need to have menstruated to get pregnant. Ovulation occurs BEFORE menstruation so you can get pregnant before menstruation.

If you have unprotected sex a week after her period can she get pregnant?

Yes that's actually about the time she's ovulating, so it's prime time for pregnancy to occur. Ovulation cycles differ however, so she may or not may not get pregnant. Yes. Ovulation usually occurs in regular monthly intervals. However, sexual activity can stimulate ovulation.

Why is it that pregnant women do not mensteate?

You bleed once a month because the egg is not fertilized, attached and growing into a baby. So when pregnant there is no point of ovulation and therefor no bleeding.

You have not had a period so how do i know if am ovulateing?

you can first buy a pregnancy test to check if you're pregnant, if not, then get an ovulation test.

Can a woman get pregnant on the day of ovulation?

Ovulation is a one day thing. To get pregnant you need to have sperm inside of your body waiting for the egg or you need to have sex the day of ovulation and at the latest the day after ovulation to become pregnant. Keep in mind sperm can live 3-5 days in ideal conditions inside of the woman's body. However, once the egg is released (ovulation occurs) the egg is only able to be fertilized for upto 24-36 hours and then expires. To become pregnant your best bet is to have sex the day before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after ovulation. You are, however, considered fertile up to 4-5 days before ovulation occurs...due to the fact that sperm can survive in the reproductive organs of a woman for a few days.

Why You Should Use an Ovulation Calendar?

If you have been trying to get pregnant, you might be feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the idea of tracking your ovulation and fertile days. However, there are many good reasons to consider using an ovulation calendar, so you should definitely consider starting one if you haven't already. You can use a simple wall calendar, or you can get online to create one. Regardless of how you decide to start your ovulation calendar, there are plenty of benefits that you can enjoy. You Can Track Your Most Fertile Days Regardless of your age or how fertile you are, there are certain times of the month when it is easier for you to conceive. By using an ovulation calendar, you can figure out when you should have intercourse with your partner; by following these dates, you can increase your changes of conception. You Can Provide Your Doctor with Valuable Information Whether you are having a difficult time with your menstrual cycle or simply aren't getting pregnant as quickly as you would like to, keeping an ovulation calendar is a good way to keep your doctor abreast of what is going on. When you schedule an appointment with your physician, make sure to bring your ovulation calendar along with you; then, your doctor can help you determine what your next step should be and can pick up on any problems more quickly. You Can Easily Track Your Pregnancy If you do get pregnant, you will surely want to know how far along you are. With your ovulation calendar, it will be a whole lot easier for you and your physician to determine when your baby was conceived and when you can expect to bring your little one into the world. You Will Get to Know Your Body Every woman's cycle is a little bit different, and some of the advice and information that you find might not really apply to your body. Even if you think you understand your cycle now, you might be surprised by how much you can learn about yourself and your feminine health by keeping an ovulation calendar.

What does Week straight on ovulation tests?

This means that this is the week you want to try to get pregnant, so you and your partner will be trying to make a baby.

Do you get pregnant only during ovulation?

Sperm can survive (under ideal conditions) for several days and even up to a week. So a week before ovulation is still within the pregnancy window.