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You should check your folder hierarchy and verify that all the HTML/xHTML code is correct.

You can use an image editor to ensure the HTML code is correct.

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Q: How do I upload an image I have and use the HTML code but the image doesn't show What did I do wrong?
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How do you upload an image to a HTML document?

To put an image in an HTML document, first upload the image to a web server somewhere. Then, copy the URL of the document. Finally, place the following code into the HTML document: <image src="PASTE URL HERE" />

How do you insert image from your desktop in a HTML?

In HTML, to include an image, use the IMG tag and specify the location of the image using the SRC parameter. However, because the image is located on your desktop, you will be the only person who will see it. If you want to make it viewable by others, you have to upload the HTML file and the image file to a webserver. <IMG SRC="location of picture">

How do you upload photos into blog?

If you're using, there's a function for you to upload your photos directly into blogger. If not, you can also choose to upload your pictures onto an image hosting site and after that you'll just have to paste the HTML code into your blog. Some image hosting sites includes image shack, photo bucket etc. You can just create an account and upload your image onto the site and after that, you can share them online.

How do you upload image not using HTML?

If you are talking about a form which lets users upload an image then you can check out JotForm (See Related Links). If you are talking about putting an image on a webpage WITHOUT HTML, it is pretty much impossible unless you use a Web Design Software (Try BlinkWeb (See Related Links)). You may be able to do with FTP, but I am not familiar with FTP and therefore cannot help, sorry!

How do you upload an image in HTML code?

First add image (.jpg, .png, .gif) into 'images' folder in main root of the site. In HTML code add <img alt="word or phrase describing image" height="162" src="path where image is coming from images/img.gif" width="917" />

What is HTML code to create a webpageb to insert an images of input devices and output devices?

The code to insert an image beings with the <img> tag. If you want the user to enter the image, you have to apply image upload.

Does Craigslist allow more than 4 images?

To get more images in your craigslist post, you must upload them to Craig Upload and then copy and paste the HTML image codes directly into your craigslist post

How do you upload an image using PHP?

You upload the image in HTML using a form that includes the following field <input type="file" name="fileUpload" /> After the form is submitted, you can access it with the $_POST variable as $_POST['fileUpload']

How do you upload a picture on tinier me?

You don't really "upload", you use HTML. i prefer this: <img src=IMAGE URL HERE> any image is accepted as long as the URL is a direct link to the photo or picture this can only be on profiles

How do you upload html webpage to domain?

To upload HTML webpage to domain , you have to purchase a server. Purchasing it will give you the authority to make it live.

How do you insert picture from desktop to HTML page?

You don't actually insert an image into an HTML page. An HTML page can display an image from any location where the browser has access to the file. Let us assume that the image you want to display on your HTML page is image.jpg. You use the tag to tell the browser to display your image. The person looking at your HTML page needs to be able to access the file on your desktop. You normally would upload your image to the Web server, so the visiting browser can see your image. If the image is on your desktop and the browser has access to your desktop content, here is the code you would use to display your image on the Web page:

How do you post a picture on a forum with HTML?

Most forums use something that is called BBcode, which is an alias of HTML. On most forums the code would be [img][/img] some forums use HTML link to upload the image , on those forums paste the HTML link generated from a image hosting website. make sure that there are no space's present in between the tags or links