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Q: How do Jackson's ideas reflect the interest of those who support him?
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Support candidates who favor their ideas but they do not nominate candidates is called what?

interest groups

What entities support candidates who favor their ideas but do not nominate candidates?

Interest groups publicly support a candidate. It is important for the group to support a candidate publicly because it shows what issues are important to a candidate.

How do Andrew Jackson ideas reflect the interests of his supporters?

Supporters portrayed Jackson as a common man. They were initially known as the Democratic-Republicans, but later simplified to the Democratic Party. They accused Adam's administration of corruption and pointed out how he was out of touch with the common man.

How did the constitution and the Bill of reflect enlightenment ideas?

It didnt

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How does research support your ideas?

Research provides evidence and data to support assertions, helping to validate the credibility and accuracy of ideas. By referencing existing studies and findings, ideas are strengthened and have a solid foundation for discussion and analysis. Additionally, research allows for a deeper understanding of complex topics and can uncover new insights or perspectives.

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Sideways with a chainsaw

How did the US Constitution reflect the ideas of enlightenment?

They declared stuff

How did US Constitution reflect the ideas of the enlightenment?

They declared stuff

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how did the constitution and the Bill of Rights reflects enlightenment ideas

Which philosopher did thomas Jefferson reflect or borrow ideas from?

John Locke

How did later amendments reflect changing ideas about equality?

later amendments reflect changing attitudes about equality and the expansion of democracy.