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It's a long list. Ready? Mormons believe

* in a Godhead, not a Trinity. In Mormon belief, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all Gods, united (one) in purpose, but not in body.

* Adam's so-called "original sin," was covered by Christ's atonement, and doesn't stain anyone else. We're each responsible for our own sins.

* infants are born innocent and cannot sin before they're old enough to be accountable for their choices -- generally, around the age of eight.

* Christ's atonement is universal and eternal. It saves all mankind from permanent death. There will be a universal resurrection.

* Christ's atonement has the effect of reuniting us with God only to the extent that we accept it, as evidenced by faith, repentence, and obedience to God's commandments.

* baptism and certain other ordinances are necessary to live again in the presece of God. The upside is that these ordinances are universally available. If you're not baptised in life, at some point a vicarious baptism will be performed on your behalf, which ordinance you are free to accept or reject.

* your spirit is eternal. You lived before you came to earth, you're on earth to learn faith and obedience, and you'll live after you leave this earth.

* marriage can be eternal, if the parties to the marriage are faithful and obedient.

* priesthood -- the power and authority to act in behalf of God -- is real, and that those who've been given that power must use it to serve others in a Godly way, or they are deprived of it.

* the church is an ancient institution, repeatedly restored to the earth via prophets called of God, following an apostacy. The church is fundamentally the same today as it was in the time of Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ. The most recent restoration happened in the 1830s through the prophet Joseph Smith.

* prophets and apostles continue to lead the Church -- via revelation received from Christ -- as has happened throughout human history.

* spiritual gifts -- including prophecy, tongues, visions, etc. -- are still in effect in the modern church.

* The Bible is the recorded word of God. So is the Book of Mormon, and other scripture revealed to modern prophets.

* Christ will reign again on earth, following some future tragic apocalypse. During that millenial reign, both Mormons and non-Mormons will live on earth.

* each person should be allowed, by law and by other believers, to worship God in whatever way he or she sees fit. At the same time, we reserve the right to engage in conversations about religion and morality both in public forums and as individuals. We believe this fundamental human right is worth fighting for.

* we should follow and obey the law of the land. We also believe in working to change bad laws.

* truth is found in many places, and ought to be respected and honored, regardless of its source. A poet, a songwriter, a movie maker, an author, and a prophet may all be sources of truth. Those who are spiritually in tune with God will recognize truth by that Spirit.

* we are the literal spiritual offspring of God the Father. Our spriritual elder brother, Jesus Christ, volunteered to come to earth to teach us truth, set an example, and atone for our sins so that we would have the opportunity to live again in the presence of our Father.

* a third of the host of heaven fought against that plan, under the leadership of Satan, and became fallen, unfit to receive mortal bodies and learn the lessons of mortality.

* angels are messengers from God, our spiritual siblings sent to earth for specific purposes. Satan likewise has his legions of followers who strive to distract individuals from their eternal potential. We resist that temptation by seeking to live obedient to God's counsel.

* evil exists because the natural man -- the individual who serves his carnal nature over his spiritual self -- causes wickedness, sorrow, and pain. Individuals have free agency -- the option to choose for themselves their own response to temptation.

Another answer

The LDS church has the priesthood, ordained of God. We believe that, though many, many churches in this world have great truth and sound teachings, the LDS church has the priesthood, which is the power and authority to perform God's will.

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10y ago

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has many beliefs and practices that are uncommon among other religions. For example:

Most other Christian groups believe in the Trinity - the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost united as one being. Mormons believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three seperate individuals.

Most other Christian groups believe that in order to enter the priesthood, one must attend a training or seminary of some sort. Those who are in the pristhood (pastors, ministers, etc) often become paid preachers and operate a church as their career. Many other groups have also begun to accept women as ordained clergy. Mormons ordain nearly every male member, beginning at age twelve, with no training or education requirement. They do not ordain females. Members (men and women) rotate responsibilities in preaching and operating the church, and nobody is paid for their service.

Most Christian groups accept only the Bible as holy scripture. Mormons use the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price as scripture.

Mormons claim to have a living prophet and twelve Apostles, and believe that these individuals (as well as all ordained to the priesthood) have recieved their authority in an unbroken line back to Jesus Christ. Most other Christian groups do not claim to have prophets or apostles in modern times.

While Mormon's Sunday worship services are extremely similar to other Christians, Mormons also participate in Temple worship services, which are not found in any other Christian faith. In the Temple, Mormons believe that they can offer salvation to those who died without accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ by performing baptisms in their behalf. They also believe that in Temples they may be 'sealed' with family members so that their relationships might continue eternally beyond death.

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11y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are Christian, but they are not Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant Christians. Most scholars classify them as 'Restorationist Christians', because Mormons claim to be a restoration of First-Century New Testament Christianity.

Mormons are Christians because they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and accept Him as their personal Savior. They believe that Bible is the Word of God and are instructed to study it daily. At baptism, they take upon themselves the name of Christ and promise to always follow His example.

However, Mormons differ from mainstream Christianity in several ways. They do not accept the traditional "three gods in one" Trinity, but believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are three seperate beings. They also believe in scripture additional to the Bible and that God continues to speak through prophets today.

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11y ago

The founder of the Mormon religion was Joseph Smith. Smith claimed to have magic vision rocks, and that one of them led him to a barn, where he claimed to dig up a golden book. He claimed that he was the only person who could read it. His son Bringham Young brought the followers to Utah. Technically, Mormonism is a denomination of Christianity, with doctrinal differences.

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9y ago

There are many things which set the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) apart from other churches and religious groups. Here are some things that set Mormons apart from other Christians:

-The Godhead Mormons do not believe in the traditional Christian Trinity. Rather, they believe that God the Father, Christ the Son, and Holy Spirit are three individual beings perfectly united in purpose and power. The Father and Son have physical (but glorified and deified) bodies.

-Restoration Mormonism is neither Protestant nor Catholic, and Mormonism is not a break or split from another denomination. Mormons are Restorationists. Mormons believe that they are practicing the religion found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. They believe that this true faith was lost shortly after the death of the Apostles and was restored to Joseph Smith by Jesus Christ Himself, as well as other Biblical figures, who appeared to Joseph as angels.

-The Priesthood Mormons believe that the Priesthood - the authority and power that God gives to man to act in His name - was lost shortly after the New Testament. This authority was restored to Joseph Smith by John the Baptist and Peter, James, and John, who received their priesthood directly from Jesus Christ. Mormons believe in a lay (unpaid and untrained) clergy - nearly every male in a Mormon congregation is ordained to the priesthood, and the teaching, preaching, organizational and ceremonial responsibilities are shared between all men and women in the congregation.

-Prophets and Apostles Mormons believe that God's people are always lead by prophets and apostles, as demonstrated in the Bible. These prophets and apostles receive revelation from God regarding His will for His people as a whole. (Individuals are entitled to receive revelation from God for their own lives.) The Church today is lead by a Prophet assisted by two counselors and Twelve Apostles. All 15 of these men are considered Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. Their words are often considered to be equal with scripture.

-Temples and Salvation for the Dead Mormons are distinct from other Christians in their practice of Temple building. Mormons believe that their Temples are the most sacred places on earth, and use them only for the most sacred of ceremonies and ordinances. Because of this, only practicing Mormons given a recommendation from their Bishop are able to enter. (Regular worship services and activities are held in churches and meetinghouses open to the public) Temples are devoted to family - specifically offering salvation to deceased ancestors through vicarious baptism and linking both the living and the dead into the family of God through priesthood sealing. Mormons believe that those who died without accepting salvation through Jesus Christ will have the opportunity to accept in the afterlife if a baptism is performed in behalf of the deceased.

-The Book of Mormon Unlike other Christians, Mormons do not believe that the Bible is the only book of scripture. They also do not believe that the Bible is perfect or infallible since it has been transcribed by men over thousands of years. Mormons use the Bible as holy scripture, but also use the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price as canonical scripture. The Doctrine and Covenants is an open canon, meaning it can be added to by the current prophet. Mormons also treat the words of their living prophets and apostles as scripture, and many Mormons accept the sacred writings of other faiths (especially the Apocrypha) as inspired writing that may be studied with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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14y ago

There are many differences between the mainstream Protestant churches and the "Mormon" Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I suppose this is quite a lengthy answer, but I wanted to cover most bases, although the list could go on. If you are ever interested in visiting the official websites of the LDS church, they are,, and TRINITY VS. GODHEAD Both believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Protestant churches largely believe in the Trinity, which is that God is one being - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one God. The Latter Day Saint belief is in the Godhead, which is that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate beings united in purpose. (Acts 7:55-56; Matthew 3:17; John 14:26) Latter Day Saints also believe that the Father and Son have bodies and look like men, and the human body is created in the image of God's body (1 John 3:2; Genesis 1:26; Genesis 5:1) CREEDS VS. FIRST CENTURY CHRISTIANITY Protestant churches follow the early Christian Creeds (Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, etc...). Mormons do not follow or believe in the creeds because they strive to practice first century Christianity. Since the creeds were largely written in the third through seventh centuries, and did not exist at the time of Christ, the LDS church does not use them. 'HEAVENS CLOSED' VS. MODERN REVELATION Most Protestant churches believe that God stopped speaking to man in the Bible. They say that there have been no revelations from God since Biblical times and that we are left to our own devices with the Bible as God's only word until the Return of Jesus Christ. Mormons believe that God continues to speak with people today because He loves and cares for us just as much as He loved those who lived in Biblical times. NO MORE PROPHETS VS. MODERN PROPHETS AND APOSTLES Similar to the last point, most Protestant Churches believe that the Prophets ended in the Old Testament. Since Mormons believe in modern ("Latter-Day") revelation, they also believe in modern "Latter-Day" prophets, who receive revelation from God and lead the church through the inspiration and instruction of God. The Prophet and President of the Church has twelve apostles to assist him, just as Jesus Christ did in the New Testament. PAID CLERGY VS. LAY MINISTRY In most Protestant churches, the Pastor and other congregation leaders are paid for their service - leading a church is considered a profession. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a lay ministry, meaning that most of the church leaders and officers perform their duties unpaid, purely out of their love for the Savior, who also expected no payment for His service. Leaders at the congregational and local level are unpaid and have their own separate professions outside of church service to support their families. (Yes, this means that Mormon wedding ceremonies are performed for free!) Those called to "full time" service, such as the president and apostles, are generally past retirement and have their living expenses paid by the church. DUTIES OF MEMBERS In many Protestant churches, the members of the congregation are only expected to show up to their meeting on Sunday. In a Mormon congregation, each member of the congregation given a duty, such as teaching Sunday School, leading music, planning activities, etc. Also, each member of the congregation is assigned another member to look out for. Each member of the congregation is expected to pay tithes, as mentioned in the Bible. (10 percent of their income) Tithes go to the upkeep of church buildings, congregation activities, and charity. PRIESTHOOD AUTHORITY In most Protestant churches, the authority to preach is given to a man or woman who has completed a certain course of education, usually a seminary. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Authority to preach is not based on education or gospel knowledge but on worthiness (obedience to commandments and covenants). Most Mormon men are ordained to the priesthood - they are given the laying of on hands by another who has had the Priesthood Authority conferred upon him. This line of authority is traced back to Jesus Christ. Being ordained to the Priesthood gives a man the authority to do such things as bless the sacrament (communion), baptize, confirm, heal the sick, lead congregations, etc. "NO WORKS" SALVATION VS. FAITH + WORKS SALVATION

Many Protestant churches believe that you only need to have faith in Jesus Christ to be saved, and that whether or not you live a good life does not matter, so long as you believe in Christ. They have a "once saved, always saved" attitude, in which once you 'accept Christ' or say a certain prayer, you will be saved, no matter what. Mormons believe that in order to be saved, you must have faith in Jesus Christ, as He is the only way and name whereby man can be saved, but that you will also be judged by how you lived your life - if you truly believe in and love Jesus Christ, you will do all you can to live as He did and obey all His commandments. (James 2:14-26) BAPTISM Many Protestant churches believe that Baptism is optional. Others say that it is necessary but disagree on who can perform it, how it should be performed, and who may be baptized. Mormons believe that Baptism is required for salvation. (Mark 16:16; John 3:5) It must be performed by one with Priesthood authority, be done by immersion, and can only be performed on someone 8 years or older who understands what baptism means. It is considered a covenant between the one who is baptized and God, that they will devote the rest of their life to becoming more like Jesus Christ. BIBLE ONLY VS. ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE Both Protestants and Mormons believe in the Bible and consider it the word of God, but Mormons also believe in additional scripture - The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. Since revelation continues, so does scripture. You can read all LDS scripture free online at TEMPLE WORSHIP Something that is unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Temple worship. Temple worship was performed anciently and is mentioned in the Bible. It focuses on making covenants with God and learning more about Jesus Christ. In addition to attending Church meetings on Sunday, members of the Church can participate in worship at Temples during the week. Although Mormon churches are open to all, Mormon temples are only open to members with permission from their congregational leaders. Since Mormons believe that all must be baptized and receive the ordinances of the gospel in addition to having faith in Christ to receive salvation, the main focus of Temple worship is performing those ordinances for ancestors who have died, to offer salvation to all those who did not have the opportunity to when they were alive. It is believed that those for whom the work is performed have a choice in the afterlife whether to accept their "Mormon baptism" or not. ETERNAL MARRIAGES AND FAMILIES Another unique thing to Mormons is that marriage is for eternity, not 'until death do us part.' Mormons believe that if they are married inside the temple, they will live with their spouse and children forever in Heaven. PRE-EXISTANCE AND ETERNAL PROGRESSION Most Protestant churches say that man did not exist before this life, but Mormons believe that our spirits lived with God before we came to earth, and that we will return to live with God again. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) Once we return to be with God, we will continue to learn and progress to become more like Him. ADHERANCE TO COMMANDMENTS In general, Mormons are also more strict to adhere to Biblical and modern commandments. They try to keep the Sabbath holy by not seeking entertainment, shopping, etc on Sunday. They dress more modestly than most Protestant Christians (although some denominations, such as Anabaptists and Brethren, are more strict on modesty guidelines). They also do not drink alcohol, coffee, or tea and do not smoke, and try to limit exposure to other harmful substances, such as caffeine. They do dance, however, which is a common misconception. BOTTOM LINE The basic thing that separates the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from the Protestant denominations is that it is a RESTORATION of the original New Testament Christian Church, not a REMODEL of the Catholic Church. Therefore, many Protestants do not accept Mormons as "Christian", because although they believe in and worship Jesus Christ, they are neither Protestant or Catholic.

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6y ago

Since there are many "other Christian groups" with various beliefs, this can be hard to narrow down. Here are some of the biggest differences between Mormons (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and the prevailing Christian groups of today:

-Mormons are neither Catholic or Protestant, but categorize themselves as "Restorationist" believing true Christianity was lost to apostasy and had to be restored to the earth by God, not by a reformation of an existing church.- Mormons do not adhere to the Christian creeds such as the Apostles Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the Nicene Creed. They believe that these early Christian creeds contributed to a general apostasy and confusion of Jesus' pure teachings in the Bible.

- Mormons are non-Trinitarian, believing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct beings united in purpose and power but not in substance. God the Father and Jesus Christ have resurrected and deified bodies of flesh, while the Holy Spirit does not.

- Mormons use other scripture in addition to the Bible, including the Book of Mormon.

- Mormons do not have a closed canon, they believe that God may continue to add to scripture.

- Mormons believe that God is not silent - He continues to lead His people through prophets and apostles today just as He did in Biblical times, and each individual is entitled to receive revelation from God for themselves.

- Mormons reject much of the popular soteriology preached among Protestants today. This includes the Calvinist teachings of faith-alone salvation (baptism and obedience to God's commandments is not necessary), predestination (God has already chosen those who will be saved), limited atonement (Jesus suffered only for the elect), and eternal security (once a person is saved they cannot fall away).

- Mormons have some beliefs and practices not found in other Christian groups, for example the idea that couples and families will be together in the afterlife, performing baptisms in behalf of deceased people, that there are three degrees of heaven, and that we all existed as spiritual beings with God prior to our mortal lives.

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