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It is obligatory on each Muslim man and woman to believe in and respect all the Prophets (May peace and blessings of Almighty God be upon them all). The Muslims trace their ancestry through the last heavenly Book - the Qur'an- revealed to the last prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). The Qur'an testifies and bears out all the previous holy Book - the Tora, the Zaboor, The Bible etc - and says that they were revealed to the holy Prophets and were Original till people tempered with them and added or deleted certain teachings making them doubtful. The Qur'an tells us that all humans are the of-spring of a single couple - Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Eve (AS). Hazrat Noah (AS), Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Abraham (AS), Hazrat Moses (AS) and Hazrat Jesus Christ (AS) were the respectable Prophets of Almighty Allah. Islam believes in universal human brotherhood, peace and equality.

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Q: How do Muslims trace their ancestry?
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