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Q: How do Nile crocodiles use their 5 senses?
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What are the 5 senses that you can use to make observation?

The 5 senses are hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch.

Is it possible to use all 5 senses in a dream?

yes ! yes !

How do you write a sentence with excitement?

use an exclamation point and use your 5 senses to describe what your talking about.

What is a sensory garden?

a sensory garden is a garden where you use all 5 senses

Is skin physical or chemical?

Physical,if you use your 5 senses for it its physical

What is the weight of a baby American crocodile?

It depends on the species. Nile crocodiles are around 40cm when they first come out of their egg.

What percent of your brain is used for senses?

We only use about 5 percent of our brain for senses. Research has shown that we do not use 100 percent of our brains. About 10 percent of our brain is not used.

What is the average length of a gavial?

The average length of an adult male gharial is 5 metres, but some do reach lengths of 6 - 7 metres (rivalling the saltwater and nile crocodiles!). Hope that helped :)

How tall is Nile Taylor?

Nile Taylor is 5' 5".

Why do authors use the 5 senses?

Well it is important to use all 5 senses such as hear feel touch smell and sight because without them you could not do a lot. For example if we had no sight we would be blind. Or if we had no smell then our noses would have no use. Or if we had no feel than our hands would have no use same as touch. And no hear than how would we use our ears for? And that is why all 5 senses are like so important.add And we have a lot more senses other that the oft-quoted five. We have two or three different pain senses, we have balance, binocular vision, colour perception - and so on. Perhaps you could find some more. (they are there.)

What is obseving?

Observation: The act or instance of noticing and perceiving.Observation- capturing what is there and using as many of the 5 senses that you can safely use. multiple senses are necessary for accurate observations.

What sense organ do you use in making observation?

We use all 5 senses to make observations. The organs we use to make observations are the tongue and throat (around the mouth), nose, ears, eyes, and skin. Without these senses we would not be able to function.