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They can either reproduce sexualy or asexualy.

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Q: How do Pompeii worms reproduce?
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Related questions

Where did pompeii worms get their names from?

Pompeii worms get their name from the place they were found/discovered- Pompeii.

What is there to know about pompeii worms?

The Pompeii worms are a species of polychaete worms found in the Pacific Ocean (deep-sea) at hydrothermal vents.

Do worms reproduce sexually or asexually?

Worms reproduce sexually

Where are Pompeii worms found?

In the ocean

The relationship between Pompeii worms and thermophile bacteria?

the Pompeii is great and the bacteria too.

Where do pompeii worms live?

Pompeii Worms live on hydrothermal sea vents at the bottom of the ocean ranging from 6,500-10,000 ft. below sea level

What do deep sea Pompeii worms eat?


What do worms reproduce?


Where can you find Pompeii worms?

they are located in the east pacific and are found on black smokers

Do worms have a reproductive system?

they reproduce a sexually

How do red wiggler worms reproduce?

They lay eggs.

How old do worms have to be to reproduce?

They have to be at least a year old.