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Q: How do US and S H5 searchlight signals change colors?
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What is H5 inverter?

an H5 Inverter is an inverter with a topology with a virtual negative bus, so that it does not need have a negatively (or positively if so chosen) grounded conductor. H stands for H-Bridge, and the number 5 is representative of the number of switches it requires or IGBTs(Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistors) Basicially just low switching loss transistors. Developed by Toshiba. You will find that the H5 inverter uses what is called SPWM, or sinusoidal pulse width modulation, which is the switching strategy for the IGBTs.

How do you write Verilog code for modified booth encoder?

1.booth encoder module:module booth_encode(input [2:0] X,output reg[2:0] SDN);always @ (X)beginif(X==8'b000) SDN=3'b000;else if(X==3'b001) SDN=3'b100;else if(X==3'b010) SDN=3'b100;else if(X==3'b011) SDN=3'b010;else if(X==3'b100) SDN=3'b011;else if(X==3'b101) SDN=3'b101;else if(X==3'b110) SDN=3'b101;else if(X==3'b111) SDN=3'b000;else SDN=3'bx;endendmodule2.Booth decoder module:module booth_decoder(input [7:0] Y,input [2:0] beo,output reg[8:0] bdo);reg [8:0]A;reg [7:0]X;always @(Y,beo)begincase(beo)3'b000:bdo=9'b000000000;3'b100:bdo={1'b0,Y};3'b101:beginX=(~Y)+1'b1;bdo={1'b1,X};end3'b010:bdo={Y,1'b0};3'b011:beginA={Y,1'b0};bdo=(~A)+1'b1;endendcaseendendmodule3.carry save adder module:module csa(input [14:0] P0,input [12:0] P1,input [10:0] P2,input [8:0] P3,output [14:0] P);wire sb,sc,sd,se,sf,sg,sh,si,sj,sk,sl,sm,sb1,sc1,sd1,se1,sf1,sg1,sh1,si1,sj1,sk1,sl1,sm1,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,ca1,cb1,cc1,cd1,ce1,cf1,cg1,ch1,ci1,cj1,ck1,cl1,c00,c01,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11;hah01(P0[0],1'b0,P[0],c00);ha h02(P0[1],1'b0,P[1],c01);ha h1(P0[2],P1[0],P[2],ca);ha h2(P0[3],P1[1],sb,cb);fa f01(P0[4],P1[2],P2[0],sc,cc);fa f02(P0[5],P1[3],P2[1],sd,cd);fa f03(P0[6],P1[4],P2[2],se,ce);fa f04(P0[7],P1[5],P2[3],sf,cf);fa f05(P0[8],P1[6],P2[4],sg,cg);fa f06(P0[9],P1[7],P2[5],sh,ch);fa f07(P0[10],P1[8],P2[6],si,ci);fa f08(P0[11],P1[9],P2[7],sj,cj);fa f09(P0[12],P1[10],P2[8],sk,ck);fa f010(P0[13],P1[11],P2[9],sl,cl);fa f011(P0[14],P1[12],P2[10],sm,cm);ha h3(sb,ca,P[3],ca1);ha h4(sc,cb,sc1,cb1);ha h5(sd,cc,sd1,cc1);fa f11(se,cd,P3[0],se1,cd1);fa f12(sf,ce,P3[1],sf1,ce1);fa f13(sg,cf,P3[2],sg1,cf1);fa f14(sh,cg,P3[3],sh1,cg1);fa f15(si,ch,P3[4],si1,ch1);fa f16(sj,ci,P3[5],sj1,ci1);fa f17(sk,cj,P3[6],sk1,cj1);fa f18(sl,ck,P3[7],sl1,ck1);fa f19(sm,cl,P3[8],sm1,cl1);ha h6(sc1,ca1,P[4],c1);fa f1(c1,sd1,cb1,P[5],c2);fa f2(c2,se1,cc1,P[6],c3);fa f3(c3,sf1,cd1,P[7],c4);fa f4(c4,sg1,ce1,P[8],c5);fa f5(c5,sh1,cf1,P[9],c6);fa f6(c6,si1,cg1,P[10],c7);fa f7(c7,sj1,ch1,P[11],c8);fa f8(c8,sk1,ci1,P[12],c9);fa f9(c9,sl1,cj1,P[13],c10);fa f10(c10,sm1,ck1,P[14],c11);endmodule4.half adder module:module ha(input a,input b,output sum,output carry);xor x1(sum,a,b);and a1(carry,a,b);endmodule5.full adder module:module fa(input a,input b,input c,output sum,output carry);wire w1,w2,w3;ha h1(a,b,w1,w2);ha h2(w1,c,sum,w3);or o1(carry,w2,w3);endmodule6.Final module:module final_module(input [7:0] X,input [7:0] Y,output [14:0] P);reg [2:0]a,b,c,d;wire [2:0]sdn1,sdn2,sdn3,sdn4;wire [8:0]p0,p1,p2,p3;wire [14:0]p00;wire [12:0]p01;wire [10:0]p02;always @(X)begina={X[1],X[0],1'b0};b={X[3],X[2],X[1]};c={X[5],X[4],X[3]};d={X[7],X[6],X[5]};endbooth_encode b1(a,sdn1);booth_decoder d1(Y,sdn1,p0);assign p00=p0[8]?{6'b111111,p0}:{6'b000000,p0};booth_encode b2(b,sdn2);booth_decoder d2(Y,sdn2,p1);assign p01=p1[8]?{4'b1111,p1[8:0]}:{4'b0000,p1[8:0]};booth_encode b3(c,sdn3);booth_decoder d3(Y,sdn3,p2);assign p02=p2[8]?{2'b11,p2}:{2'b00,p2};booth_encode b4(d,sdn4);booth_decoder d4(Y,sdn4,p3);csa c1(p00,p01,p02,p3,P);endmodule

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