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Apart from keeping it warm and letting it fly, they don't. But beautiful feathers is what allows it to mate with the peahens, which is quite important too.

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Q: How do a males peacocks feathers help it survive?
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no i dont think so :)

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'Cause they think it makes them look so cool and it makes girls like them. Answer The colrs of the peafowl is a mating adaptation. The extravagent color displays of the males help to attract mates. Man had selectively bred peafowl giving rise to many color variations and mutations

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kk instead of me answering this question cause i'm doing a project on peacocks in like three days and now I am freaking out cause I don't know what to do help peeps now how many feathers do peacocks get ?

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they kill them and destroy their habitat

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It depends on what you think is special. Peacocks have cool intricately colored feathers. Horses can help humans out a lot. You can ride horses, you can watch peacocks. I guess I would choose the horse as more special, because you could develop a closer relationship with it than you could with a bird... but both of them are special. Just in different ways.

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Can peacocks swim?

Not without help.. ;-)

What is the differents' between down feathers and counter feathers?

Down feathers keep them warm Counter feathers help them fly