

How do acid and base react with metal?

Updated: 6/27/2022
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9y ago

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when an acid and base react with each other they tend to neutralize their properties by forming when an acid's (H+)cation combines with Base's (OH-)anion it forms Water.

for example:-think we combine Hydochloric acid (HCL) with Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) it forms common table salt which (Nacl).

Some of Acid and Base Properties:-

Acid :-

1> it conducts electricity.

2> it truns blue litmus to red.

3> it reacts with base to neutralize it's property.

4> it tastes sour.

5> it reacts with active metals to liberate hydrogen.

Base has almost the same properties but just cancel out the 5th point from acid and remember itt turns Red litmus to Blue....and it feels slippery.

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Jimmy Mueller

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