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They engulf food particle by phagocytosis. The food vacuoles fuse with lysosomes, and the enzymes digest the food. Undigested material is later remove by exocytosis.


They have structures called vacuoles in their cytoplasm.

These are like movable stomachs made of cell wall material..

The food is enclosed, enzymes are secreted within the vacuole.

Nutrients are absorbed through the walls.

Then the vacuole moves to the surface of the cell and the unusable

contents are discarded.

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Q: How do amoebas digest their food?
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How do amoebas digest food?

The amoeba surrounds the food with psuedopods and forms a food vacuole. This vacuole then digests the food with digestive enzymes.

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In Mexico, amoebas get in the water. people get food poisoning and call it moctezuma's revenge. Amoebas are protists. Protists are in the Kingdom Protista.

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The amoeba uses phagocytosis (it surrounds it and brings it into a vesicle).

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In Mexico, amoebas get in the water. people get food poisoning and call it moctezuma's revenge. Amoebas are protists. Protists are in the Kingdom Protista.

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How amoebas protect themselves?

They can not. They are the lowest organism in the food chain.

How do amoebas eat?

Surrounding the tiny particles of food with psuedopods