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Q: How do an anteater's tongue and claws help it survive?
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Related questions

How do claws and teeth help a giant panda survive?

The claws help them climb and the teeth help them chew.

What are anteaters adaptations?

walking on their knuckles to keep their claws sharp to help protect them from predators and to dig for food

What characteristics help pandas survive in their environment?

they have claws

How do your body parts help you to survive?


What other features do lions have to help them to adapt to survive?

claws, teeth

Does a lion have any special adaptations that help it survive?

his claws and his jaw

What helps a falcon survive?

A falcons claws because it would help kill its prey

How do claws help an animal to survive?

So they can catch there prey and kill it instantaneously after they grab it

What part of the body do lions use to help them eat?

Teeth, mouth, tongue, paws and claws are the essential parts.

How does a pandas body structure help it survive?

it has claws that help it grip onto the emergent trees and vampire like teeth that help shred the bamboo

Do anteaters have camoflage?

Anteaters have stripes of gray, brown, and black that help them blend into their enviornment.

How do the characteristics of a chipmunk help it survive?

the claws help them climb tree's and there teeth help them chew into hard things like nut shels so they can eat.