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Q: How do animal welfare advocates likely feel about selective breeding?
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Why use selective breeding?

Selective breeding is a way of maintaining animal existence. Selective breeding is when the strong survive. If only the weak survived then all animals would die out quickly

What Jobs use selective breeding and cloning?

Farmers use selective breeding all the time.

What is ment by selective breeding?

When the animal chooses its mate.

How do you use artificial selection in a sentence?

Artificial selection, also called selective breeding, is a form of human intervention in plant or animal evolution.

Why do you use selective breeding?

To eventually get the best possible animal.

Differences of cloning and selective breeding?

cloning is when you create an exact duplicate but selective breeding is when the animals reproduce to create an even better animal x

How gentic traits inheritance differ in natural selection vs selective breeding?

Natural Selection is different from Selective Breeding beacuse the environment controls the traits the animal or plant gets. Selective Breeding is the traits desired are the ones bred

What is selective breeding used for?

Creating an animal or plant with the desired traits selected.

What is breeding called?

CAWS is an acronym for "Community Animal Welfare Society"

How is cross breeding different from selective breeding?

Cross breeding is simply taking two breeds of animals and mating them together (Such as a Charolais crossed with a Hereford). Where selective breeding is selecting the what two animals you want bred together to produce a better animal.

How can selective breeding help farmers?

Selective breeding is a way of maintaining animal existence. Selective breeding is when the strong survive. If only the weak survived then all animals would die out quickly

What is the process by which humans select plants or animals for breeding based on disired traits?

They selectively breed them. So that the animal has the best characteristics possible. Examples are pigs with more fat or sheep with thicker wool.