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by consuming plants or other animals

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by consuming other plants and animals

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Q: How do animals obtain the nitrogen they use to make proteins and nucleic acids?
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How do animals obtain the nitrogen they need to build compounds such as protiens?

from food. Mainly by cleaving proteins and nucleic acids from food.

How do animal obtain nitrogen?

Animals obtain nitrogen by eating plants which have absorbed nitrogen from the soil.

How do animals get nitrogen they need to make proteins?

The animals obtain nitrogen through their foods in various forms to build proteins they need for their bodies. Protein synthesis is a continuous process in the plant and animal cells from some 20 odd types of amino acids, thousands of types of proteins are synthesized by the ribosomes in each organism.

Nitrogen is used by living organisms to produce?

Nitrogen is consumed by different organisms in different ways. Legumes (a type of plant) are able to take nitrogen straight out of the atmosphere (which is roughly 78% nitrogen gas). Animals aren't able to do this so they must obtain their nitrogen by eating substances such as vegetables and meat. We break down proteins (largely from meat) down to their constituents which are amino acids. This is how we obtain our source of nitrogen (amino acids contain nitrogen atoms). We then use these amino acids to build proteins that we need in our body such as tissue, enzymes, antibodies and more.

What can you infer from the fact that animals do not need nitrogen?

If you are told it is a fact that animals do not need nitrogen, you can infer that you are receiving incorrect information. All living things require nitrogen. However, animals are not able to obtain the nitrogen they need directly, but must get it from their food, and that comes ultimately from the plants that are able to absorb nitrogen from the soil.

How do most organisms and plants use nitrogen?

Plants cannot make protein from pure carbohydrate, because proteins contain nitrogen and sometimes sulphur. They get the nitrogen which they need from the nitrates in the soil.the bacteria called `Rhizobium `lives in the roots of legminous plants and leg. plants need nitrogen to grow pulses.The bacteria called `rhizobium` changes the atmospheric nitrogen in solution form and in return the plants give the bacteria shelter and food thus this is called a symbiotic relationship .

How do animals obtain the nitrogen they need?

mostly from food.

What do carnivorous plants obtain from animals bodies?


What is the only way that animals can obtain nitrogen?

eating the plants

How does nitrogen get from organisms back into the atmosphere?

Nitrogen used by plants and animals is returned to the atmosphere by the action of bacteria. Bacteria break down proteins to obtain energy, releasing nitrogen back into the air in the process.

Why do animals not obtain nitrogen from the air?

Nitrogen gas is fairly inert and so is difficult for organisms to process. Instead, animals must get usable nitrogen compounds from their food.

What are two ways that nitrogen is fixed so plants can use it?

The only forms of nitrogen compounds that living things can make use of are ammonia compounds and nitrate compounds.These are called "fixed nitrogen". Animals obtain the nitrogen they need from proteins in the plants and/or animals they eat. Proteins are amino acid polymers and amino acids are built around an ammonia group.